Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

Volume Three: Low-Damage Building Technologies 

Cover image for Volume 3 Low-Damage Building Technologies

Download a PDF version of the whole document or follow the links below for .docx versions of Volume Three, by section.

Download a PDF version of Volume 3 - complete document (1.6 MB)

Volume 3 - Word (.docx) versions

  • Section 1 - Section 2 (.docx) 3.4MB
    Section 1: Introduction
    1.1   Impacts of the Canterbury earthquakes 
    1.2   Lessons to be learned  
    1.3   Achieving a better performance  
    1.4   Low-damage technologies  
    1.5   Hearings and expert reports
    Section 2: Seismic design philosophy
    2.1     History and development  
    2.2     Seismic performance criteria 
    2.2.1  Present framework 
    2.2.2  Future developments for performance objectives
  • Section 4 - Section 7  (.docx) 109 KB
    Section 4: Professional and regulatory implementation
    4.1 Department of Building and Housing (DBH) 
    4.2 Architects’ perspective
    Section 5: Cost considerations 
    5.1 Methods of controlling seismic response: base isolation 
    5.2 Low-damage technologies 
    5.3 Other considerations
    Section 6: Discussion
    Section 7: Conclusions and recommendations
    7.1 Conclusions 
    7.2 Recommendations