Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

Antigua Boat Sheds


  • Notice of Issues

    Six principal issues arose under the Commission’s Terms of Reference. The Notice of Issues included detail about each issue.

  • Inquiry process

    The Commission's approach reflected the breadth of the investigation required by the Terms of Reference. 

  • Discussion papers

    To seek further information and comment, the Commission periodically released discussion papers and sought public submissions on them.

  • Submissions schedule

    People who filed an expression of interest were entitled to make submissions to the Commission.

  • Reporting requirements

    We delivered our final report in stages on 29 June 2012, 10 October 2012 and 29 November 2012.