Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-09-10-14- 14-2410 September 2012Training and education of engineers and organisation of the engineering profession hearing: Opening address from Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission, Mark ZarifehTraining and education of engineers and organisation of the engineering profession hearing: Opening address from Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission, Mark Zarifeh
  • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
  • Zarifeh, Mark
    Opening Statement
    Training and Education
    2011-11-09-13- 54-1209 November 2011Photos of the Mt Eden Road Shopping Centre, Auckland supplied by Joe Arts - full sized slidesPhotos of the Mt Eden Road Shopping Centre, Auckland supplied by Joe Arts - full sized slides
      Arts, Joe
      Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
      2011-10-21-14- 25-0921 October 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Swarm: Peer Review by Fred Turner, August 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Swarm: Peer Review by Fred Turner, August 2011
        Turner, Fred
        Technical Report
        Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
        2011-11-07-15- 54-3107 November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 4: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 4: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011
          Ingham, Jason M
          Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
          2012-04-05-14- 02-2405 April 2012Heritage Buildings, Earthquake Strengthening and Damage: The Canterbury Earthquakes September 2010-January 2012: Technical report by Robert McClean and NZHPTHeritage Buildings, Earthquake Strengthening and Damage: The Canterbury Earthquakes September 2010-January 2012: Technical report by Robert McClean and NZHPT
            New Zealand Historic Places Trust
            Technical Report
            Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
            2011-11-07-15- 53-3707 November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 3: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 3: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011
              Ingham, Jason M
              Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
              2011-11-03-16- 05-4003 November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Swarm: Technical Report by Associate Professor Jason M Ingham and Professor Michael C Griffith, August 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Swarm: Technical Report by Associate Professor Jason M Ingham and Professor Michael C Griffith, August 2011
              • Griffith, Michael C
              • Ingham, Jason M
                Technical Report
                Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                2012-02-27-13- 51-3227 February 2012Additional Christchurch City Council submissions on legal requirements for earthquake-prone buildings and related matters (issues 3(b) to 3(d) Additional Christchurch City Council submissions on legal requirements for earthquake-prone buildings and related matters (issues 3(b) to 3(d)
                  Christchurch City Council
                  Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                  2011-10-27-16- 52-3627 October 2011Unreinforced masonry and other earthquake prone buildings - Requirements for seismic strengthening: Submission by Joe Arts, October 2011Unreinforced masonry and other earthquake prone buildings - Requirements for seismic strengthening: Submission by Joe Arts, October 2011
                    Arts, Joe
                  • Exhibit
                  • Submission
                    Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                    High 137-139
                  2011-11-14-14- 28-5214 November 2011Benson Chen Holdings Ltd application for building consent for 605 Colombo StreetBenson Chen Holdings Ltd application for building consent for 605 Colombo Street
                    Christchurch City Council
                    Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                    Colombo 605
                  2011-11-07-15- 52-2307 November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes Part 1: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes Part 1: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011
                    Ingham, Jason M
                    Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                    2011-11-09-11- 59-1309 November 2011Statement of Evidence from Daniel Steven Newman of Property Council New Zealand to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal CommissionStatement of Evidence from Daniel Steven Newman of Property Council New Zealand to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                      Newman, Daniel
                      Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                      2011-11-07-15- 55-2707 November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 5: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 5: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011
                        Ingham, Jason M
                        Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                        2011-11-03-16- 06-0303 November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Swarm: Peer Review by Bret Lizundia, September 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Swarm: Peer Review by Bret Lizundia, September 2011
                        • Lizundia, Bret
                        • Rutherford & Chekene
                          Technical Report
                          Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                          2011-11-08-13- 48-3508 November 2011Background on California Seismic Safety Commission: Presentation by Fred Turner, November 2011Background on California Seismic Safety Commission: Presentation by Fred Turner, November 2011
                            Turner, Fred
                            Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                            2011-11-09-16- 02-2809 November 2011Hearings on Earthquake-prone Buildings: Presentation (Submission) by David Hopkins, November 2011Hearings on Earthquake-prone Buildings: Presentation (Submission) by David Hopkins, November 2011
                              Hopkins, David
                              Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                              2011-11-15-09- 08-4015 November 20112011-11-08 Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings and Earthquake-Prone Policies hearing transcript2011-11-08 Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings and Earthquake-Prone Policies hearing transcript
                              • Ingham, Jason M
                              • Lizundia, Bret
                              • Turner, Fred
                                Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                                2012-03-12-12- 56-2612 March 20122011-11-15 Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings and Earthquake-Prone Policies hearing transcript2011-11-15 Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings and Earthquake-Prone Policies hearing transcript
                                  Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                                  2011-11-03-16- 05-2703 November 2011The Performance of Earthquake Strengthened URM Buildings in the Christchurch CBD in the 22 February 2011 Earthquake: Addendum Report by Associate Professor Jason M. Ingham and Professor Michael C. Griffith, October 2011The Performance of Earthquake Strengthened URM Buildings in the Christchurch CBD in the 22 February 2011 Earthquake: Addendum Report by Associate Professor Jason M. Ingham and Professor Michael C. Griffith, October 2011
                                  • Griffith, Michael C
                                  • Ingham, Jason M
                                  • University of Auckland
                                    Technical Report
                                    Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                                    2011-11-07-16- 02-0807 November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 2: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 2: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011
                                      Ingham, Jason M
                                      Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)

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