Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-03-12-13- 14-3812 March 2012Colombo 603 and 605-613 hearing: Letter from Royal Commission to M J Bushnell regarding request for information about 605 Colombo Street, response from M J Bushnell and supporting documentsColombo 603 and 605-613 hearing: Letter from Royal Commission to M J Bushnell regarding request for information about 605 Colombo Street, response from M J Bushnell and supporting documents
  • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
  • Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 605
2012-11-23-11- 07-4023 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Direction from Counsel Assisting in relation to interpretation of Second Compusoft NTHACTV Building hearing - Direction from Counsel Assisting in relation to interpretation of Second Compusoft NTHA
    Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2012-06-28-12- 52-0728 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Email from Murray Wood to CTV staff, 7 September 2010CTV Building hearing: Email from Murray Wood to CTV staff, 7 September 2010
      Wood, Murray
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2012-06-28-12- 50-2128 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Graeme John CalvertCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Graeme John Calvert
      Calvert, Graeme
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2012-01-30-10- 02-4330 January 2012Cathedral Square 32 hearing: Documents in Chronology (1 of 5)Cathedral Square 32 hearing: Documents in Chronology (1 of 5)
      Zarifeh, Mark
      Opening Statement
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Cathedral 32
    2012-01-24-15- 44-4324 January 2012Cashel 89/91/93 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Alistair Ronald BoyceCashel 89/91/93 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Alistair Ronald Boyce
      Boyce, Alistair
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Cashel 91
    2012-02-29-11- 38-4529 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Correspondence between the Royal Commission and Gresson Dorman & Co regarding 753 Colombo StreetColombo 753-759 hearing: Correspondence between the Royal Commission and Gresson Dorman & Co regarding 753 Colombo Street
    • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
    • Gresson Dorman & Co
    • Gresson, T M
    • Zarifeh, Mark
      Buildings - Representative Sample
    • Colombo 753
    • Colombo 755
    • Colombo 757
    • Colombo 759
    2012-02-02-15- 04-5702 February 2012Colombo 603 and 605-613 hearing: Letter from Royal Commission to M R Fletcher regarding request for information about 605 Colombo Street, response from M R Fletcher and supporting documentsColombo 603 and 605-613 hearing: Letter from Royal Commission to M R Fletcher regarding request for information about 605 Colombo Street, response from M R Fletcher and supporting documents
    • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
    • Fletcher, Mike
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Colombo 605
    2012-02-14-11- 40-2314 February 2012Colombo 601/601A hearing: Photographs of exterior building taken on 31 December 2011Colombo 601/601A hearing: Photographs of exterior building taken on 31 December 2011
      Christchurch City Council
      Buildings - Representative Sample
    • Colombo 601
    • Colombo 601A
    2012-07-10-11- 48-3910 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Email from Rob Jury to Clark Hyland regarding CTV Analyses and Collapse ScenariosCTV Building hearing: Email from Rob Jury to Clark Hyland regarding CTV Analyses and Collapse Scenarios
      Jury, Rob
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2011-11-15-11- 58-1715 November 2011Letter from the Department of Building and Housing about the Forsyth Barr building report, November 2011Letter from the Department of Building and Housing about the Forsyth Barr building report, November 2011
    • Department of Building and Housing
    • Hopkins, David
      Technical Report
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Colombo 764
    2011-12-13-15- 32-5713 December 2011Colombo 617-625 hearing: Correspondence between Royal Commission and Paul MitchellColombo 617-625 hearing: Correspondence between Royal Commission and Paul Mitchell
    • Mitchell, Peter
    • Zarifeh, Mark
      Buildings - Representative Sample
    • Colombo 617
    • Colombo 617-625
    2012-11-22-16- 11-2622 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Extract from: Mindess Young and Darwin: Concrete, Second EditionCTV Building hearing - Extract from: Mindess Young and Darwin: Concrete, Second Edition
    • Darwin, David
    • Mindess, Sidney
    • Young, J Francis
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2012-07-25-11- 20-5825 July 20122012-07-23 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-07-23 CTV Building hearing transcript
      Speakers - Various
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2012-09-06-16- 59-0606 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to published documents referenced in the Closing Submissions of Counsel for Alan Reay Consultants Limited and Dr ReayCTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to published documents referenced in the Closing Submissions of Counsel for Alan Reay Consultants Limited and Dr Reay
      Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-07-26-14- 49-4826 July 2012CTV Building hearing: CTV Elastic Response Spectra Analyses (ERSA) Report by Athol CarrCTV Building hearing: CTV Elastic Response Spectra Analyses (ERSA) Report by Athol Carr
        Carr, Athol J
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-02-24-12- 41-1524 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Detailed seismic assessment - fee proposalForsyth Barr hearing: Detailed seismic assessment - fee proposal
      • Hare, John
      • Holmes Consulting Group
        Opening Statement
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Colombo 764
      2012-02-17-09- 38-3617 February 20122012-02-15 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript2012-02-15 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript
        Speakers - Various
        Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Gloucester 194
      • High 246
      2012-07-04-16- 15-0804 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of William David Coatsworth, Attachments part GCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of William David Coatsworth, Attachments part G
        Coatsworth, D
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2011-12-15-15- 58-0415 December 2011Worcester 391 hearing: Letter correspondence between Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission and Steve McCarthyWorcester 391 hearing: Letter correspondence between Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission and Steve McCarthy
      • McCarthy, Steve
      • Zarifeh, Mark
        Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Worcester 389
      • Worcester 391

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