Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-02-29-11- 01-3929 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Supplementary Statement of Evidence of Elizabeth Engo ClarkeColombo 753-759 hearing: Supplementary Statement of Evidence of Elizabeth Engo Clarke
    Clarke, Elizabeth
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2012-02-29-10- 08-0729 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Photograph of the building at 753-759 Colombo StreetColombo 753-759 hearing: Photograph of the building at 753-759 Colombo Street
    Christchurch City Council
    Opening Statement
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2012-02-29-11- 37-4229 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Chronology of documents Colombo 753-759 hearing: Chronology of documents
  • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
  • Zarifeh, Mark
    Opening Statement
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2012-03-02-12- 13-4102 March 20122012-02-29 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript2012-02-29 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2012-02-29-14- 26-0029 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Christchurch City Council spreadsheet of assessment entriesColombo 753-759 hearing: Christchurch City Council spreadsheet of assessment entries
  • Christchurch City Council
  • Gilbert, Chris
  • Buildings - Other
  • Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2012-02-29-15- 16-2529 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Letter from the Christchurch City Council to the Royal Commission regarding request for information of status and condition of buildingColombo 753-759 hearing: Letter from the Christchurch City Council to the Royal Commission regarding request for information of status and condition of building
  • Christchurch City Council
  • Gilbert, Chris
  • Buildings - Other
  • Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2012-02-29-12- 16-3429 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Letter from Lewis Bradford Consulting Engineers to the Royal Commission regarding structural inspections, reports provided and building repair work undertaken Colombo 753-759 hearing: Letter from Lewis Bradford Consulting Engineers to the Royal Commission regarding structural inspections, reports provided and building repair work undertaken
  • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
  • Lewis Bradford Consulting Engineers
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2012-02-29-12- 12-5229 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Summary for the hearingColombo 753-759 hearing: Summary for the hearing
  • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
  • Zarifeh, Mark
    Opening Statement
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2012-02-29-11- 38-4529 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Correspondence between the Royal Commission and Gresson Dorman & Co regarding 753 Colombo StreetColombo 753-759 hearing: Correspondence between the Royal Commission and Gresson Dorman & Co regarding 753 Colombo Street
  • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
  • Gresson Dorman & Co
  • Gresson, T M
  • Zarifeh, Mark
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 759
2011-12-02-09- 22-3202 December 2011Department of Building and Housing Expert Panel Report on the PGC, Forsyth Barr and Hotel Grand Chancellor Buildings, released 30 September 2011Department of Building and Housing Expert Panel Report on the PGC, Forsyth Barr and Hotel Grand Chancellor Buildings, released 30 September 2011
    Department of Building and Housing
    Technical Report
  • Building Failure
  • Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-23-11- 42-4323 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Specifications of work required to be done and the materials to be used for Landmark TowerForsyth Barr hearing: Specifications of work required to be done and the materials to be used for Landmark Tower
    Warren and Mahoney Architects Ltd
    Opening Statement
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-24-12- 49-5524 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Statement of Evidence of Paul Keenan TonkinForsyth Barr hearing: Statement of Evidence of Paul Keenan Tonkin
    Tonkin, Paul
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-23-15- 14-4323 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Comments by Nigel Priestley regarding building stairs failureForsyth Barr hearing: Comments by Nigel Priestley regarding building stairs failure
    Priestley, Nigel
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-28-16- 13-0928 February 20122012-02-24 Forsyth Barr Building hearing transcript2012-02-24 Forsyth Barr Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-23-11- 40-2023 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Investigation into the collapse of the Forsyth Barr building stairs on 22nd February 2011Forsyth Barr hearing: Investigation into the collapse of the Forsyth Barr building stairs on 22nd February 2011
    Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca)
    Opening Statement
  • Buildings - Representative Sample
  • Stairs and Floors
    Colombo 764
2012-02-24-12- 55-1224 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Quotation for renovation work in stairwells of Forsyth Barr BuildingForsyth Barr hearing: Quotation for renovation work in stairwells of Forsyth Barr Building
  • Christian, Andrew
  • Pace Project Management Ltd
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-24-12- 30-3424 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Beca investigation into the collapse of the Forsyth Barr building stairs on 22nd February 2011 - AppendicesForsyth Barr hearing: Beca investigation into the collapse of the Forsyth Barr building stairs on 22nd February 2011 - Appendices
  • Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca)
  • Jury, Rob
    Opening Statement
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-24-14- 16-5324 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Statement of Evidence of Andrew ChristianForsyth Barr hearing: Statement of Evidence of Andrew Christian
    Christian, Andrew
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-24-12- 45-4424 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Architectural drawings for Paynter Developments LtdForsyth Barr hearing: Architectural drawings for Paynter Developments Ltd
    Warren & Mahoney Architects Ltd
    Opening Statement
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-03-12-13- 24-5212 March 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Copies of email exchanges between multiple organisations regarding maintenance and inspections of Forsyth Barr BuildingForsyth Barr hearing: Copies of email exchanges between multiple organisations regarding maintenance and inspections of Forsyth Barr Building
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764

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