Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-09-11-11- 47-3711 September 2012Roles and responsibilities hearing: Supplementary graphics and diagrams referenced by John Scarry Roles and responsibilities hearing: Supplementary graphics and diagrams referenced by John Scarry
    Scarry, John
    Roles and Responsibilities
    2012-03-12-13- 01-0112 March 2012GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions - February Spectra and NZS1170 design levels - four Geonet sites closest to CBD: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions - February Spectra and NZS1170 design levels - four Geonet sites closest to CBD: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011
    • GNS Science
    • McVerry, Graeme
      2011-11-28-17- 49-3828 November 2011Gisborne District Council - Earthquake Prone Building Policy Revision 3Gisborne District Council - Earthquake Prone Building Policy Revision 3
        Gisborne District Council
      • Standards and Regulation
      • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
        2012-08-27-13- 59-5027 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from Matt Furness on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from Matt Furness on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
          Furness, Matt
        • Engineering
        • Training and Education
          2012-09-04-16- 03-3404 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes hearing: Memorandum of counsel for Christchurch City CouncilBuilding Management after Earthquakes hearing: Memorandum of counsel for Christchurch City Council
            Christchurch City Council
            Building assessments after earthquakes
            2011-10-28-11- 21-5428 October 2011Standards Council Submission (B) - Issue 3 of the Notice of IssuesStandards Council Submission (B) - Issue 3 of the Notice of Issues
              Standards Council
              Standards and Regulation
              2012-08-15-11- 54-3315 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
              • Department of Building and Housing
              • Kelly, David
              • Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
              • Standards and Regulation
              • Training and Education
                2012-09-03-16- 41-3003 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes hearing: Presentation by Bret Lizundia on The Evaluation and Management of Buildings Following EarthquakesBuilding Management after Earthquakes hearing: Presentation by Bret Lizundia on The Evaluation and Management of Buildings Following Earthquakes
                  Lizundia, Bret
                  Building assessments after earthquakes
                  2011-11-02-12- 47-3602 November 2011Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission summary of the IPENZ report 'Standards and Regulation for Building Construction in New Zealand'Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission summary of the IPENZ report 'Standards and Regulation for Building Construction in New Zealand'
                    Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                    Technical Report
                    Standards and Regulation
                    2012-11-27-16- 01-5627 November 2012Theoretical stress-strain model for confined concrete, article by J.B. Mander, N.J.M. Priestley and R. ParkTheoretical stress-strain model for confined concrete, article by J.B. Mander, N.J.M. Priestley and R. Park
                    • Mander, John
                    • Park, R
                    • Priestley, Nigel
                      Referenced Document
                      2011-11-09-15- 40-4609 November 2011Earthquake-prone building provisions of the Building Act 2004: Policy guidance for Territorial AuthoritiesEarthquake-prone building provisions of the Building Act 2004: Policy guidance for Territorial Authorities
                        Department of Building and Housing
                      • Standards and Regulation
                      • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                        2011-10-18-17- 34-4718 October 2011Structural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard SpectraStructural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard Spectra
                          Standards New Zealand
                          Standards and Regulation
                          2012-08-15-16- 22-5515 August 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Christchurch City Council on the Royal Commission discussion paper, July 2012 Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Christchurch City Council on the Royal Commission discussion paper, July 2012
                          • Christchurch City Council
                          • Mitchell, Peter
                          • Building assessments after earthquakes
                          • Placarding (Stickering)
                          • Safety Evaluation
                            2011-11-02-12- 48-1102 November 2011Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Education: Submission by Faculty of Engineering, University of Auckland, August 2011Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Education: Submission by Faculty of Engineering, University of Auckland, August 2011
                            • Davies, Michael C R
                            • Pender, Michael
                            • Quenneville, Pierre
                            • Submission
                            • Technical Report
                              Training and Education
                              2012-03-13-12- 44-0813 March 2012Presentation by John Hare, Holmes Consulting Group, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by John Hare, Holmes Consulting Group, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
                              • Hare, John
                              • Holmes Consulting Group
                                New Building Technologies
                                2012-02-03-08- 41-2503 February 2012Education of Structural and Geotechnical Engineers at the University of Canterbury: Report by Professor Andy Buchanan and Associate Professor Roger Nokes, August 2011Education of Structural and Geotechnical Engineers at the University of Canterbury: Report by Professor Andy Buchanan and Associate Professor Roger Nokes, August 2011
                                  University of Canterbury
                                • Submission
                                • Technical Report
                                  Training and Education
                                  2012-03-14-16- 43-1214 March 2012Biography of Peter Neil Thorby, Manager Building Standards Group, DBHBiography of Peter Neil Thorby, Manager Building Standards Group, DBH
                                    Thorby, Peter Neil
                                  • New Building Technologies
                                  • Profile
                                    2012-09-10-08- 15-5610 September 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from the Chartered Professional Engineers Council on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, September 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from the Chartered Professional Engineers Council on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, September 2012
                                      Chartered Professional Engineers Council (CPEC)
                                    • Standards and Regulation
                                    • Training and Education
                                      2012-03-12-16- 44-4512 March 2012Presentation for the hearing on New Building Technologies by Jarg Didier Pettinga, Holmes Consulting GroupPresentation for the hearing on New Building Technologies by Jarg Didier Pettinga, Holmes Consulting Group
                                        Pettinga, Didier
                                        New Building Technologies
                                        2012-09-07-15- 06-3907 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Chapter 4 of The Institution of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics, 1989CTV Building hearing: Chapter 4 of The Institution of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics, 1989
                                          Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)
                                          Referenced Document
                                        • Buildings - Representative Sample
                                        • Standards and Regulation

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