Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-09-07-15- 06-3907 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Chapter 4 of The Institution of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics, 1989CTV Building hearing: Chapter 4 of The Institution of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics, 1989
    Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)
    Referenced Document
    Standards and Regulation
    2012-09-07-16- 46-3307 September 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca) on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca) on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
      Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca)
      Standards and Regulation
      2012-09-11-16- 49-3611 September 2012Roles and responsibilities hearing: Presentation from Pieter Burghout of the Construction Industry Council on Building Regulatory Framework – Efficiency and ImprovementsRoles and responsibilities hearing: Presentation from Pieter Burghout of the Construction Industry Council on Building Regulatory Framework – Efficiency and Improvements
      • Burghout, Pieter
      • Construction Industry Council
        Standards and Regulation
        2012-11-27-16- 26-1027 November 2012An Examination of Improvements Required to Legislative Provisions for Post Disaster Reconstruction in New Zealand, doctoral thesis by Dr James RotimiAn Examination of Improvements Required to Legislative Provisions for Post Disaster Reconstruction in New Zealand, doctoral thesis by Dr James Rotimi
          Rotimi, James Olabode Bamidele
          Referenced Document
          Standards and Regulation
          2012-07-24-16- 54-1724 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Extracted pages 22-23 from NZS 3101 Part 2: 1982CTV Building hearing: Extracted pages 22-23 from NZS 3101 Part 2: 1982
            Standards New Zealand
            Standards and Regulation
            2012-08-22-10- 36-3722 August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Local Government New Zealand on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Local Government New Zealand on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
              Local Government New Zealand
              Standards and Regulation
              2012-08-22-12- 25-0522 August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from the Building Officials Institute of New Zealand on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
                Buildings Official Institute of New Zealand (BOINZ)
                Standards and Regulation
                2012-08-22-11- 34-2322 August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from the Architectural Centre on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from the Architectural Centre on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
                  Architectural Centre
                  Standards and Regulation
                  2012-08-15-16- 17-5015 August 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                    Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca)
                    Standards and Regulation
                    2012-03-09-17- 40-1309 March 2012Chart regarding Building Act and Building CodeChart regarding Building Act and Building Code
                      Department of Building and Housing
                      Standards and Regulation
                      2012-08-22-09- 46-2922 August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from the Hamilton City Council on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012 Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from the Hamilton City Council on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
                        Hamilton City Council
                        Standards and Regulation
                        2011-10-18-17- 30-4818 October 2011Structural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard SpectraStructural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard Spectra
                          Standards New Zealand
                          Standards and Regulation
                          2011-10-21-13- 54-5921 October 2011Stairs and Access Ramps Between Floors in Multi-Storey Buildings: Technical Report by Des Bull, August 2011Stairs and Access Ramps Between Floors in Multi-Storey Buildings: Technical Report by Des Bull, August 2011
                          • Bull, Des
                          • Holmes Consulting Group
                            Technical Report
                            Stairs and Floors
                            2012-02-23-11- 40-2023 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Investigation into the collapse of the Forsyth Barr building stairs on 22nd February 2011Forsyth Barr hearing: Investigation into the collapse of the Forsyth Barr building stairs on 22nd February 2011
                              Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca)
                              Opening Statement
                              Stairs and Floors
                              Colombo 764
                            2012-02-24-12- 38-4624 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Hyland building stairs site examination and materials testForsyth Barr hearing: Hyland building stairs site examination and materials test
                            • Hyland Consultants Ltd
                            • Hyland, Clark
                              Opening Statement
                              Stairs and Floors
                              Colombo 764
                            2012-02-24-12- 45-0524 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Practice advisory issued by DBH on the topic of egress stairsForsyth Barr hearing: Practice advisory issued by DBH on the topic of egress stairs
                              Department of Building and Housing
                              Opening Statement
                              Stairs and Floors
                              2011-10-19-18- 09-3819 October 2011GNS Science - The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence 14 October 2011 - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, page 8GNS Science - The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence 14 October 2011 - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, page 8
                              • GNS Science
                              • Webb, T H (Terry)
                                2011-10-18-15- 24-1318 October 2011GNS Science -Active Tectonics and Earthquake Hazards Research Programme: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal CommissionGNS Science -Active Tectonics and Earthquake Hazards Research Programme: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                • GNS Science
                                • Webb, T H (Terry)
                                  2011-10-19-17- 48-2719 October 2011GNS Science - Webb Ancillary Slides: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Slides, 6, 8 and 10GNS Science - Webb Ancillary Slides: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Slides, 6, 8 and 10
                                  • GNS Science
                                  • Webb, T H (Terry)
                                    2011-10-19-17- 40-5219 October 20116.3 Magnitude Earthquake Part of Aftershock Sequence - includes graphic showing location of main shock, aftershocks above magnitude 3, and fault ruptures in Canterbury - Media Release by GNS Science, 25 February 20116.3 Magnitude Earthquake Part of Aftershock Sequence - includes graphic showing location of main shock, aftershocks above magnitude 3, and fault ruptures in Canterbury - Media Release by GNS Science, 25 February 2011
                                      GNS Science

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