Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2011-10-21-14- 30-3321 October 2011System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 4: Building Act tools for the upgrading of the structural performance of buildings - Earthquake-Prone Building Provisions of the Building Act 2004: Policy Guidance for Territorial Authorities: Technical Report by Department of Building and Housing, June 2005System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 4: Building Act tools for the upgrading of the structural performance of buildings - Earthquake-Prone Building Provisions of the Building Act 2004: Policy Guidance for Territorial Authorities: Technical Report by Department of Building and Housing, June 2005
    Department of Building and Housing
    Technical Report
    Standards and Regulation
    2011-10-21-14- 05-2021 October 2011System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 4: Building Act tools for the upgrading of the structural performance of buildings assessment and improvement of the structural performance of buildings in earthquakes: Technical report by New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, June 2006System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 4: Building Act tools for the upgrading of the structural performance of buildings assessment and improvement of the structural performance of buildings in earthquakes: Technical report by New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, June 2006
    • Department of Building and Housing
    • New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering
      Technical Report
      Standards and Regulation
      2011-10-21-14- 11-0421 October 2011System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 5: rapid assessment of buildings during a state of emergency - Building safety evaluation during a state of emergency - Guidelines for Territorial Authorities: Technical Report by New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, August 2009System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 5: rapid assessment of buildings during a state of emergency - Building safety evaluation during a state of emergency - Guidelines for Territorial Authorities: Technical Report by New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, August 2009
      • Department of Building and Housing
      • New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering
        Technical Report
        Standards and Regulation
        2011-10-21-13- 58-1421 October 2011System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 6 - Investigation by the Department of Building and Housing into the building collapses - Technical investigation into the performance of buildings in the Christchurch CBD in the 22 February Christchurch aftershock: Technical Report by Department of Building and Housing, September 2011System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 6 - Investigation by the Department of Building and Housing into the building collapses - Technical investigation into the performance of buildings in the Christchurch CBD in the 22 February Christchurch aftershock: Technical Report by Department of Building and Housing, September 2011
          Department of Building and Housing
          Technical Report
          Standards and Regulation
          2011-11-14-17- 26-4314 November 2011Review of Dunedin City Council Dangerous, Insanitary, and Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy: Presentation by Dunedin City CouncilReview of Dunedin City Council Dangerous, Insanitary, and Earthquake-prone Buildings Policy: Presentation by Dunedin City Council
            Dunedin City Council
            Standards and Regulation
            2011-12-05-15- 04-2205 December 2011Guidance on detailed engineering evaluation of earthquake affected non-residential buildings in Canterbury - Part 2: Evaluation procedure (revision 5Guidance on detailed engineering evaluation of earthquake affected non-residential buildings in Canterbury - Part 2: Evaluation procedure (revision 5
              Engineering Advisory Group
              Standards and Regulation
              2011-11-28-17- 49-3828 November 2011Gisborne District Council - Earthquake Prone Building Policy Revision 3Gisborne District Council - Earthquake Prone Building Policy Revision 3
                Gisborne District Council
                Standards and Regulation
                2011-11-14-13- 37-5814 November 2011History of earthquake strengthening in Gisborne - Presentation by Ian Petty of Gisborne District Council, 14 November 2011History of earthquake strengthening in Gisborne - Presentation by Ian Petty of Gisborne District Council, 14 November 2011
                  Petty, Ian
                  Standards and Regulation
                  2011-11-10-10- 13-0010 November 2011Letter from Grey District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies, October 2011Letter from Grey District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies, October 2011
                    Pretorius, Paul
                    RFI Response
                    Standards and Regulation
                    2011-11-10-09- 47-0410 November 2011Letter from Hutt City Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Hutt City Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                      Sewell, Graham
                      RFI Response
                      Standards and Regulation
                      2011-11-10-09- 53-5610 November 2011Letter from Hurunui District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies, October 2011Letter from Hurunui District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies, October 2011
                      • Batchelor, Judith
                      • Hurunui District Council
                        RFI Response
                        Standards and Regulation
                        2011-11-10-09- 31-4210 November 2011Letter from Horowhenua District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Horowhenua District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                        • Horowhenua Disctrict Council
                        • Thomas, Tony
                          RFI Response
                          Standards and Regulation
                          2011-11-10-09- 49-1810 November 2011Letter from Marlborough District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Marlborough District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                            Besley, Andrew
                            RFI Response
                            Standards and Regulation
                            2011-11-04-15- 00-0004 November 2011The Civil Defence Emergency Management Framework and Response to the 22 February Christchurch Earthquake: Technical report by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, October 2011The Civil Defence Emergency Management Framework and Response to the 22 February Christchurch Earthquake: Technical report by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, October 2011
                              Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency
                              Technical Report
                              Standards and Regulation
                              2011-11-10-09- 42-5310 November 2011Letter from Masterton District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Masterton District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                              • Masterton District Council
                              • ten Hove, Wes
                                RFI Response
                                Standards and Regulation
                                2011-11-07-12- 33-3107 November 2011Building Act 2004: New Zealand Parliament, 2004 (Reprint 1 January 2011)Building Act 2004: New Zealand Parliament, 2004 (Reprint 1 January 2011)
                                  New Zealand Parliament
                                  Standards and Regulation
                                  2011-11-15-16- 11-5015 November 2011Objectives, status, and future of the 2006 NZSEE Guidelines on 'Assessment and Improvement of the Structural Performance of Buildings in Earthquakes': Presentation by Rob Jury, 15 November 2011Objectives, status, and future of the 2006 NZSEE Guidelines on 'Assessment and Improvement of the Structural Performance of Buildings in Earthquakes': Presentation by Rob Jury, 15 November 2011
                                    Jury, Rob
                                    Standards and Regulation
                                    2011-11-10-09- 44-3510 November 2011Letter from Porirua City Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Porirua City Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                                    • Porirua City Council
                                    • Taane, Shane
                                      RFI Response
                                      Standards and Regulation
                                      2011-10-27-17- 19-5027 October 2011Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Swarm: Submission by Property Council New Zealand, October 2011Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquake Swarm: Submission by Property Council New Zealand, October 2011
                                        Townsend, Connal
                                        Standards and Regulation
                                        2011-11-10-16- 37-1410 November 2011Letter from Queenstown Lakes District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Queenstown Lakes District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                                          Laurenson, Peter
                                          RFI Response
                                          Standards and Regulation

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