Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-07-11-15- 01-1511 July 2012Discussion Paper: Roles and ResponsibilitiesDiscussion Paper: Roles and Responsibilities
    Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
    • Discussion Paper
    • Standards and Regulation
      2012-01-25-15- 18-4225 January 2012Hereford 194 hearing: Statement of Christine WatsonHereford 194 hearing: Statement of Christine Watson
        Watson, Christine
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Hereford 194
        2012-11-28-14- 55-5128 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Video recording showing wall of building next to the CTV Building get demolished CTV Building hearing: Video recording showing wall of building next to the CTV Building get demolished
          Thomas, Simon
            Buildings - Representative Sample
            Madras 249
          2012-09-07-15- 14-5307 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions of Counsel for David HardingCTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions of Counsel for David Harding
            Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-11-22-16- 22-1822 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Draft report prepared by Dr Clark Hyland and Ashley Smith for the Department of Building and Housing, dated December 2011CTV Building hearing: Draft report prepared by Dr Clark Hyland and Ashley Smith for the Department of Building and Housing, dated December 2011
            • Hyland Consultants Ltd
            • Hyland, Clark
            • Smith, Ashley
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-06-21-15- 45-2621 June 2012Discussion Paper: Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering ProfessionDiscussion Paper: Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession
                Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                • Discussion Paper
                • Training and Education
                  2012-12-05-23- 21-5005 December 2012Structural Damage Report on the Novotel Hotel, 52 Cathedral Square dated 23 August 2011Structural Damage Report on the Novotel Hotel, 52 Cathedral Square dated 23 August 2011
                    Lewis Bradford Consulting Engineers
                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                      2012-09-07-12- 17-1007 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions of Counsel for Christchurch City Council CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions of Counsel for Christchurch City Council
                        Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                          Buildings - Representative Sample
                          Madras 249
                        2012-11-27-14- 35-5127 November 2012A collection of documents compiled by the Royal Commission to assess the earthquake performance of Pacific Tower, 166 Gloucester Street. (Part 1)A collection of documents compiled by the Royal Commission to assess the earthquake performance of Pacific Tower, 166 Gloucester Street. (Part 1)
                          • Buildings - Representative Sample
                          • Engineering
                            Gloucester 166
                          2012-07-20-13- 39-1020 July 2012Evaluation of earthquake damaged concrete and masonry wall buildings - Basic procedures manual prepared by the Applied Technology Council for The Partnership for Response and RecoveryEvaluation of earthquake damaged concrete and masonry wall buildings - Basic procedures manual prepared by the Applied Technology Council for The Partnership for Response and Recovery
                            Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
                            • Building assessments after earthquakes
                            • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                              2012-03-06-14- 03-1906 March 2012Hearing Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov Submission: Submission of Counsel Assisting in opposition to application to extend jurisdictionHearing Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov Submission: Submission of Counsel Assisting in opposition to application to extend jurisdiction
                              • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                              • Mills, Stephen
                                  Cvetanov Hearing
                                  Madras 249
                                2012-11-23-11- 07-4023 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Direction from Counsel Assisting in relation to interpretation of Second Compusoft NTHACTV Building hearing - Direction from Counsel Assisting in relation to interpretation of Second Compusoft NTHA
                                  Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                    Buildings - Representative Sample
                                    Madras 249
                                  2012-09-06-16- 59-0606 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to published documents referenced in the Closing Submissions of Counsel for Alan Reay Consultants Limited and Dr ReayCTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to published documents referenced in the Closing Submissions of Counsel for Alan Reay Consultants Limited and Dr Reay
                                    Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                                      Madras 249
                                    2012-09-07-17- 18-4107 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions on behalf of bereaved families and those injuredCTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions on behalf of bereaved families and those injured
                                      Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                        Buildings - Representative Sample
                                        Madras 249
                                      2012-03-16-16- 39-0416 March 20122012-03-13 New Building Technologies hearing transcript2012-03-13 New Building Technologies hearing transcript
                                        Speakers - Various
                                        New Building Technologies
                                        2012-03-12-12- 23-2512 March 20122011-10-25 Soils and Ground Conditions hearing transcript2011-10-25 Soils and Ground Conditions hearing transcript
                                        • Bray, Jonathan D
                                        • Cubrinovski, Misko
                                        • McCahon, Ian
                                        • McManus, Kevin James
                                          2012-03-16-16- 01-3616 March 20122012-03-14 New Building Technologies hearing transcript2012-03-14 New Building Technologies hearing transcript
                                            Speakers - Various
                                            New Building Technologies
                                            2012-03-07-11- 55-4807 March 20122012-03-01 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript2012-03-01 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript
                                              Speakers - Various
                                              Buildings - Representative Sample
                                              Colombo 738
                                            2012-02-28-16- 13-0928 February 20122012-02-24 Forsyth Barr Building hearing transcript2012-02-24 Forsyth Barr Building hearing transcript
                                              Speakers - Various
                                              Buildings - Representative Sample
                                              Colombo 764
                                            2012-03-02-12- 13-4102 March 20122012-02-29 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript2012-02-29 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript
                                              Speakers - Various
                                              Buildings - Representative Sample
                                            • Colombo 753
                                            • Colombo 755
                                            • Colombo 757
                                            • Colombo 759

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