Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha
Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 4: Building Act tools for the upgrading of the structural performance of buildings assessment and improvement of the structural performance of buildings in earthquakes: Technical report by New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, June 2006
Building Safety Evaluation Following the Canterbury Earthquakes: Technical report by the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, September 2011
Heritage Buildings, Earthquake Strengthening and Damage: The Canterbury Earthquakes September 2010-January 2012: Technical report by Robert McClean and NZHPT
System of Building Controls - Regulation of Registered Architects - Registered Architects Act 2005 and Registered Architects Rules 2006: Technical Report by New Zealand Cabinet, 2006
System of Building Controls - Regulation of the Engineering Profession - Chartered Professional Engineers of New Zealand Act 2002 and Rules (no 2) 2002: Technical Report by New Zealand Cabinet, October 2006
System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 4: Building Act tools for the upgrading of the structural performance of buildings - references and appendices for assessment and improvement of the structural performance of buildings in earthquakes: Technical report by New Zealand Cabinet, June 2006
The Civil Defence Emergency Management Framework and Response to the 22 February Christchurch Earthquake: Technical report by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, October 2011
Independent Review of the Response to the Canterbury Earthquake, 4 September 2010: Technical report commissioned by Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, May 2011
Independent Review of the Response to the Canterbury Earthquake, 4 September 2010: Technical report commissioned by Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, May 2011
System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 2: The building regulatory system - Performance-based building regulatory systems: Principles and experiences: Technical Report by Inter-Jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee, February 2010
Building Evaluation Transition Team - Processes Used and Lessons Learnt Following the Darfield Earthquake of 4 September 2010: Technical Report by Esther Griffiths of Sisirc Consulting Limited and Deane McNulty of McNulty Engineering Management Limited, January 2011
Steel Building Damage From The Christchurch Earthquake Series of 2010 and 2011: Technical Report by Charles Clifton, Michel Bruneau, Alistair Fussell, Roberto Leon and Greg MacRae, November 2011
Base Isolation and Damage-Resistant Technologies for Improved Seismic Performance of Buildings: Technical Report by Andrew H Buchanan, Des Bull, Rajesh P Dhakal, Gregory MacRae, Alessandro Palermo and Stefano Pampanin, August 2011
Steel Building Damage From The Christchurch Earthquake Series of 2010 and 2011: Technical Report by Charles Clifton, Michel Bruneau, Alistair Fussell, Roberto Leon and Greg MacRae, November 2011
System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 2: The building regulatory system - Performance-based building regulatory systems: Principles and experiences: Technical Report by Inter-Jurisdictional Regulatory Collaboration Committee, February 2010