Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2011-10-2727 October 2011Submission by International Council on Monuments and Sites ( ICOMOS) New Zealand, October 2011Submission by International Council on Monuments and Sites ( ICOMOS) New Zealand, October 2011
    Jones, Kevin
  • Culture and Heritage
  • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
    2012-03-1212 March 2012New Building Technologies: Submission by the Department of Building and Housing, December 2011New Building Technologies: Submission by the Department of Building and Housing, December 2011
      Kelly, David
    • Engineering
    • New Building Technologies
      2012-03-1212 March 2012Canterbury earthquakes sequence and implications for seismic design levels: submission by Department of Building and Housing, September 2011Canterbury earthquakes sequence and implications for seismic design levels: submission by Department of Building and Housing, September 2011
        Kelly, David
        2012-03-1212 March 2012Unreinforced masonry and other earthquake-prone buildings - requirements for seismic strengthening: submission by Department of Building and Housing, October 2011Unreinforced masonry and other earthquake-prone buildings - requirements for seismic strengthening: submission by Department of Building and Housing, October 2011
          Kelly, David
        • Seismic Strengthening
        • Standards and Regulation
        • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
          2012-08-1515 August 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from the Department of Building and Housing on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, February 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from the Department of Building and Housing on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, February 2012
            Kelly, David
            Building assessments after earthquakes
            2012-08-1515 August 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission by the Department of Building and Housing on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission by the Department of Building and Housing on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
              Kelly, David
            • Building assessments after earthquakes
            • Engineering
            • Placarding (Stickering)
            • Safety Evaluation
              2012-08-1515 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                Kelly, David
              • Standards and Regulation
              • Training and Education
                2012-04-0202 April 2012PGC Building hearing: Post-hearing submission in relation to the PGC Building from Christchurch City CouncilPGC Building hearing: Post-hearing submission in relation to the PGC Building from Christchurch City Council
                  Laing, Duncan
                • Post hearing submission
                • Submission
                  Buildings - Representative Sample
                  Cambridge 233
                2011-10-2727 October 2011Submission by Local Government New Zealand, October 2011Submission by Local Government New Zealand, October 2011
                  Local Government New Zealand
                • Buildings - Other
                • Standards and Regulation
                • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                  2012-08-2222 August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Local Government New Zealand on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Local Government New Zealand on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
                    Local Government New Zealand
                  • Roles and Responsibilities
                  • Standards and Regulation
                    2012-08-1515 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from C Lund & Son Ltd on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from C Lund & Son Ltd on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                      Macgregor, Joanne
                    • Engineering
                    • Training and Education
                      2012-02-1616 February 2012Education and Training in the Construction Industry: Submission by C. Lund & Son Ltd, February 2011Education and Training in the Construction Industry: Submission by C. Lund & Son Ltd, February 2011
                        Macgregor, Joanne
                      • Standards and Regulation
                      • Training and Education
                        2012-11-2626 November 2012CTV Building hearing: An Alternative Collapse Scenario for the CTV Building: Submission to the Royal Commission from John ManderCTV Building hearing: An Alternative Collapse Scenario for the CTV Building: Submission to the Royal Commission from John Mander
                          Mander, John
                        • Exhibit
                        • Submission
                          Buildings - Representative Sample
                          Madras 249
                        2012-08-1515 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession and Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Guy Marriage on the Royal Commission Discussion Papers, July 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession and Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Guy Marriage on the Royal Commission Discussion Papers, July 2012
                          Marriage, Guy
                        • Building assessments after earthquakes
                        • Engineering
                        • Placarding (Stickering)
                        • Safety Evaluation
                        • Training and Education
                          2012-08-2222 August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Guy Marriage on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Guy Marriage on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
                            Marriage, Guy
                          • Roles and Responsibilities
                          • Standards and Regulation
                            2012-03-2626 March 2012Response to SESOC Practice Note: Design of Conventional Structural Systems Following the Canterbury Earthquakes: Submission by Compusoft Engineering, March 2012Response to SESOC Practice Note: Design of Conventional Structural Systems Following the Canterbury Earthquakes: Submission by Compusoft Engineering, March 2012
                              McBride, Anthony
                              Standards and Regulation
                              2012-03-1212 March 2012Soils Submission from Kevin McManus - Foundation design reliability issuesSoils Submission from Kevin McManus - Foundation design reliability issues
                                McManus, Kevin James
                                2012-09-0606 September 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Supplementary submission from the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, September 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Supplementary submission from the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, September 2012
                                  Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
                                • Standards and Regulation
                                • Training and Education
                                  2012-08-2222 August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
                                    Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
                                  • Roles and Responsibilities
                                  • Standards and Regulation
                                    2012-08-1515 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from the Ministry of Building, Innovation and Employment on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                                      Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
                                    • Standards and Regulation
                                    • Training and Education

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