Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2011-10-2121 October 2011Z-factor Graph: Technical Report by GNS Science, October 2011Z-factor Graph: Technical Report by GNS Science, October 2011
    Webb, T H (Terry)
  • Exhibit
  • Technical Report
    2011-10-2020 October 2011GNS Science - The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence - Shaking measures by instruments versus distance, compared to NZ model - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission by Dr Terry WebbGNS Science - The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence - Shaking measures by instruments versus distance, compared to NZ model - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission by Dr Terry Webb
      Webb, T H (Terry)
      2011-11-1414 November 2011Photos of Buildings in Wellington: Presentation by Wellington City Council, November 2011Photos of Buildings in Wellington: Presentation by Wellington City Council, November 2011
        Wellington City Council
      • Standards and Regulation
      • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
        2012-01-2525 January 2012Hereford 194 hearing: Statement from James WhelanHereford 194 hearing: Statement from James Whelan
          Whelan, James
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Hereford 194
        2012-07-0202 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Email from John Drew to Ibbotson Cooney Limited regarding insurance claims for windows and green stickering of the building, September 2010CTV Building hearing: Email from John Drew to Ibbotson Cooney Limited regarding insurance claims for windows and green stickering of the building, September 2010
          White Fox & Jones Lawyers
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-09-0404 September 2012Building Management after Eathquakes hearing: Collection of documents in relation to building demolition at 192 Madras StreetBuilding Management after Eathquakes hearing: Collection of documents in relation to building demolition at 192 Madras Street
          White Fox & Jones Lawyers
          Building assessments after earthquakes
          Madras 192
        2011-11-3030 November 2011Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Rapid Structural Assessment and Re-inspection after 4 September 2010Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Rapid Structural Assessment and Re-inspection after 4 September 2010
          Whiteside, Mark
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Cambridge 233
        2011-12-1515 December 2011 Worcester 391 hearing: Documents pertaining to David Whyte, Whyte Construction Ltd Worcester 391 hearing: Documents pertaining to David Whyte, Whyte Construction Ltd
          Whyte, David
          Buildings - Representative Sample
        • Worcester 389
        • Worcester 391
        2012-01-2525 January 2012Hereford 194 hearing: Statement of Phil WilbyHereford 194 hearing: Statement of Phil Wilby
          Wilby, Phil
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Hereford 194
        2012-08-1717 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of Peter John Wilding CTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of Peter John Wilding
          Wilding, Peter
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-11-2626 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Email exchange between the Royal Commission and Richard Raymond with a query regarding shear wallsCTV Building hearing: Email exchange between the Royal Commission and Richard Raymond with a query regarding shear walls
          Wilkie, A T
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-07-3030 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of Alun Trevor WilkieCTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of Alun Trevor Wilkie
          Wilkie, A T
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-03-1212 March 2012Presentation by Grant Wilkinson, Ruamoko Solutions, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by Grant Wilkinson, Ruamoko Solutions, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
          Wilkinson, Grant
          New Building Technologies
          2012-03-1212 March 2012Biography of Grant WilkinsonBiography of Grant Wilkinson
            Wilkinson, Grant
          • New Building Technologies
          • Profile
            2011-11-2828 November 2011Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Conversion plans and costs for PGC Group from Holmes Consulting Group to Warren and Mahoney, 17 February 1997Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Conversion plans and costs for PGC Group from Holmes Consulting Group to Warren and Mahoney, 17 February 1997
              Wilkinson, Grant
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Cambridge 233
            2012-08-1616 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Grant WilkinsonCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Grant Wilkinson
              Wilkinson, Grant
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-03-1212 March 2012Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Standard producer statement - design is not appropriate for building consentCambridge 233 PGC Building: Standard producer statement - design is not appropriate for building consent
              Wilkinson, Grant
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Cambridge 233
            2012-07-3131 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Collection of documents in relation to the 1990 Holmes Consulting Group Structural Report on the Office Building at 249 Madras Street CTV Building hearing: Collection of documents in relation to the 1990 Holmes Consulting Group Structural Report on the Office Building at 249 Madras Street
              Wilkinson, Grant
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Collection of documents in relation to companies involved in the construction of the CTV buildingCTV Building hearing: Collection of documents in relation to companies involved in the construction of the CTV building
              Williams Property Holdings Ltd
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Michael Trevor WilliamsCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Michael Trevor Williams
              Williams, Michael Trevor
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249

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