Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-01-3030 January 2012Cathedral Square 32 hearing: Letter response from Ashley Wilson, Lewis Bradford Consulting Engineers to the Royal CommissionCathedral Square 32 hearing: Letter response from Ashley Wilson, Lewis Bradford Consulting Engineers to the Royal Commission
    Wilson, Ashley
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Cathedral 32
2012-02-2727 February 2012Lichfield 43 hearing: Engineering report by W2 Design regarding demolition methodology of 43 Lichfield StreetLichfield 43 hearing: Engineering report by W2 Design regarding demolition methodology of 43 Lichfield Street
    Winterbourn, Stuart Michael
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Lichfield 43
2012-02-2727 February 2012Lichfield 43 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Stuart Michael WinterbournLichfield 43 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Stuart Michael Winterbourn
    Winterbourn, Stuart Michael
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Lichfield 43
2012-07-0505 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Joint Statement of Evidence of Brian Kehoe and Terrence Paret CTV Building hearing: Joint Statement of Evidence of Brian Kehoe and Terrence Paret
    Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates Inc
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-09-0404 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes hearing: Presentation by Peter Woods, Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency ManagementBuilding Management after Earthquakes hearing: Presentation by Peter Woods, Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management
    Woods, Peter
    Building assessments after earthquakes
    2012-03-1313 March 2012Presentation by Mark Batchelar, mlb Consulting Engineers, and John Reelick, TTT products, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by Mark Batchelar, mlb Consulting Engineers, and John Reelick, TTT products, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
      Woodward, Simon
      New Building Technologies
      2012-07-2525 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Paper on Dynamic Site Characterization of Christchurch Strong Motion StationsCTV Building hearing: Paper on Dynamic Site Characterization of Christchurch Strong Motion Stations
        Wood, Clinton W
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-06-2828 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Email from Murray Wood to CTV staff, 7 September 2010CTV Building hearing: Email from Murray Wood to CTV staff, 7 September 2010
        Wood, Murray
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-07-2525 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Paper on Dynamic Site Characterization of Christchurch Strong Motion StationsCTV Building hearing: Paper on Dynamic Site Characterization of Christchurch Strong Motion Stations
        Wotherspoon, Liam M
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-01-3131 January 2012Durham 309 hearing: Letter from Greg Wright to Tim FahyDurham 309 hearing: Letter from Greg Wright to Tim Fahy
        Wright, Greg
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Durham 309
      2012-01-3131 January 2012Durham 309 hearing: Statement of Gregory David WrightDurham 309 hearing: Statement of Gregory David Wright
        Wright, Greg
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Durham 309
      2012-08-1616 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Letter reply from counsel for the Canterbury Regional Council to a request for information from the Royal Commission, July 2012CTV Building hearing: Letter reply from counsel for the Canterbury Regional Council to a request for information from the Royal Commission, July 2012
        Wynn Williams
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-03-1212 March 2012Riccarton 7 hearing: Documents pertaining to David Yan, Owner's Representative and Robert Ling, engineerRiccarton 7 hearing: Documents pertaining to David Yan, Owner's Representative and Robert Ling, engineer
        Yan, David
        Buildings - Other
        Riccarton 7
      2012-03-1212 March 2012Colombo 382 hearing: Correspondence between the Commission and the representative for the owner of the building at 382 Colombo StreetColombo 382 hearing: Correspondence between the Commission and the representative for the owner of the building at 382 Colombo Street
        Yan, David
        Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Colombo 380
      • Colombo 382
      2012-11-2222 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Extract from: Mindess Young and Darwin: Concrete, Second EditionCTV Building hearing - Extract from: Mindess Young and Darwin: Concrete, Second Edition
        Young, J Francis
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-02-1616 February 2012Colombo 382 hearing: Letter (extract) from Royal Commission to Glen Hughes, OpusColombo 382 hearing: Letter (extract) from Royal Commission to Glen Hughes, Opus
        Zarifeh, Mark
        Building Failure
      • Colombo 380
      • Colombo 382
      2012-02-2929 February 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Correspondence between the Royal Commission and Gresson Dorman & Co regarding 753 Colombo StreetColombo 753-759 hearing: Correspondence between the Royal Commission and Gresson Dorman & Co regarding 753 Colombo Street
        Zarifeh, Mark
        Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Colombo 753
      • Colombo 755
      • Colombo 757
      • Colombo 759
      2012-01-3131 January 2012Durham 309 hearing: Letter from R D Sullivan to Royal Commission regarding engineering informationDurham 309 hearing: Letter from R D Sullivan to Royal Commission regarding engineering information
        Zarifeh, Mark
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Durham 309
      2012-02-0101 February 2012Colombo 603 and 605-613 hearing: Letter from Mark Zarifeh to Martin and Eliot Sinclair regarding request for information about 603 and 605-613 Colombo StreetColombo 603 and 605-613 hearing: Letter from Mark Zarifeh to Martin and Eliot Sinclair regarding request for information about 603 and 605-613 Colombo Street
        Zarifeh, Mark
      • Buildings - Representative Sample
      • RFI and EOI
      • Colombo 603
      • Colombo 605
      • Colombo 615
      2012-02-1616 February 2012Colombo 382 hearing: Letter sent from Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission to Ling's Design ConsultantsColombo 382 hearing: Letter sent from Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission to Ling's Design Consultants
        Zarifeh, Mark
        Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Colombo 380
      • Colombo 382

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