Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2011-11-02-16- 10-3602 November 2011Submission from David C Hopkins, January 2011Submission from David C Hopkins, January 2011
    Hopkins, David
    2011-10-28-14- 53-2428 October 2011Proposed Resolutions for the Approval of the Commission: Submission by David C Hopkins, October 2011Proposed Resolutions for the Approval of the Commission: Submission by David C Hopkins, October 2011
      Hopkins, David
      2011-10-28-10- 51-3928 October 2011Profile: Submission by David C Hopkins, October 2011Profile: Submission by David C Hopkins, October 2011
        Hopkins, David
        2011-10-27-16- 56-5627 October 2011Canterbury Earthquakes - Implications for Building and Construction Standards: Submission by Dr David Hopkins, October 2011Canterbury Earthquakes - Implications for Building and Construction Standards: Submission by Dr David Hopkins, October 2011
          Hopkins, David
        • Engineering
        • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
          2011-11-09-16- 02-2809 November 2011Hearings on Earthquake-prone Buildings: Presentation (Submission) by David Hopkins, November 2011Hearings on Earthquake-prone Buildings: Presentation (Submission) by David Hopkins, November 2011
            Hopkins, David
            Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
            2012-11-22-16- 57-3622 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Email dated 3 February 2012 from David Hopkins of DBH to Alan Reay regarding the release of the CTV reportCTV Building hearing - Email dated 3 February 2012 from David Hopkins of DBH to Alan Reay regarding the release of the CTV report
              Hopkins, David
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-07-10-12- 13-4410 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Email from David Hopkins to Ashley Smith and Clark Hyland regarding Variation of Opinion List for CTV Report 120123 CTV Building hearing: Email from David Hopkins to Ashley Smith and Clark Hyland regarding Variation of Opinion List for CTV Report 120123
              Hopkins, David
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-08-22-13- 23-0222 August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Dr David Hopkins on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012Roles and Responsibilities: Submission from Dr David Hopkins on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, August 2012
              Hopkins, David
            • Roles and Responsibilities
            • Standards and Regulation
              2011-11-15-11- 58-1715 November 2011Letter from the Department of Building and Housing about the Forsyth Barr building report, November 2011Letter from the Department of Building and Housing about the Forsyth Barr building report, November 2011
                Hopkins, David
                Technical Report
              • Buildings - Representative Sample
              • RFI and EOI
                Colombo 764
              2012-08-06-11- 06-1006 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Terry HornCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Terry Horn
                Horn, Terry
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2011-11-10-09- 31-4210 November 2011Letter from Horowhenua District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Horowhenua District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                Horowhenua Disctrict Council
                RFI Response
                Standards and Regulation
                2012-11-23-09- 51-3923 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Damage, Death and Downtime Risk Attenuation in the 2011Christchurch Earthquake; Paper written by John Mander and Y HuangCTV Building hearing: Damage, Death and Downtime Risk Attenuation in the 2011Christchurch Earthquake; Paper written by John Mander and Y Huang
                  Huang, Y
                • Building Failure
                • Fatality and Injury
                • Structural Performance
                  2012-02-16-15- 07-3516 February 2012Colombo 382 hearing: Response from Opus International Consultants Ltd to Canterbury Earthquakes Royal CommissionColombo 382 hearing: Response from Opus International Consultants Ltd to Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                    Hughes, Glen
                  • Buildings - Representative Sample
                  • RFI and EOI
                  • Colombo 380
                  • Colombo 382
                  2012-01-24-15- 44-2424 January 2012Cashel 89/91/93 hearing: Documents regarding 89, 91, and 93 Cashel StreetCashel 89/91/93 hearing: Documents regarding 89, 91, and 93 Cashel Street
                    Hughes, Glen
                    Buildings - Representative Sample
                    Cashel 91
                  2012-02-14-12- 52-3214 February 2012Colombo 601/601A hearing: Letter correspondence between Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission and Opus International Consultants Ltd regarding information needed for hearingColombo 601/601A hearing: Letter correspondence between Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission and Opus International Consultants Ltd regarding information needed for hearing
                    Hughes, Glen
                    Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                  • Colombo 601
                  • Colombo 601A
                  2011-11-10-09- 51-2810 November 2011Letter from Tasman District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Tasman District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                    Humphries, Adrian
                    RFI Response
                  • RFI and EOI
                  • Standards and Regulation
                    2012-11-26-16- 30-5726 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Lionel Walter Hunter CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Lionel Walter Hunter
                      Hunter, Lionel Walter
                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                      Madras 249
                    2011-11-10-09- 53-5610 November 2011Letter from Hurunui District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies, October 2011Letter from Hurunui District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies, October 2011
                      Hurunui District Council
                      RFI Response
                    • Standards and Regulation
                    • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                      2012-11-26-16- 48-3426 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of evidence of Anthony David HuttCTV Building hearing: Statement of evidence of Anthony David Hutt
                        Hutt, David
                        Buildings - Representative Sample
                        Madras 249
                      2011-11-29-12- 09-3229 November 2011Drawings and simplified plans for the PGC Building showing location of primary structureDrawings and simplified plans for the PGC Building showing location of primary structure
                        Hutt, David
                        Buildings - Representative Sample
                        Cambridge 233

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