Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-03-09-17- 38-2309 March 2012New and Alternative Technologies: Presentation by Peter Neil Thorby and David Anthony Kelly of Department of Building and HousingNew and Alternative Technologies: Presentation by Peter Neil Thorby and David Anthony Kelly of Department of Building and Housing
  • Department of Building and Housing
  • Kelly, David Anthony
  • Thorby, Peter Neil
    New Building Technologies
    2012-01-30-09- 47-5830 January 2012Submission by the Heavy Engineering Research Association, November 2011Submission by the Heavy Engineering Research Association, November 2011
      Scholz, Wolfgang
      New Building Technologies
      2012-03-16-16- 01-3616 March 20122012-03-14 New Building Technologies hearing transcript2012-03-14 New Building Technologies hearing transcript
        Speakers - Various
        New Building Technologies
        2012-03-16-16- 39-0416 March 20122012-03-13 New Building Technologies hearing transcript2012-03-13 New Building Technologies hearing transcript
          Speakers - Various
          New Building Technologies
          2012-03-13-17- 03-5713 March 2012Presentation by Mark Batchelar, mlb Consulting Engineers, and John Reelick, TTT products, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by Mark Batchelar, mlb Consulting Engineers, and John Reelick, TTT products, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
          • Batchelar, Mark L
          • Newcombe, Mike
          • Reelick, John
          • Woodward, Simon
            New Building Technologies
            2012-03-12-16- 11-4812 March 2012Presentation by Trevor Edward Kelly, Holmes Consulting Group, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by Trevor Edward Kelly, Holmes Consulting Group, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
              Kelly, Trevor Edward
              New Building Technologies
              2012-03-13-15- 01-5813 March 2012Submission by the Standards Council about new building technologies, March 2012Submission by the Standards Council about new building technologies, March 2012
                Standards Council
                New Building Technologies
                2012-03-14-14- 51-4614 March 2012Presentation for the Royal Commission by the Shimizu Institute of Technology for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation for the Royal Commission by the Shimizu Institute of Technology for the hearing on New Building Technologies
                • Fulton Hogan
                • Holland, John
                • Shimizu Institute of Technology
                  New Building Technologies
                  2012-03-12-16- 22-2612 March 2012Presentation by Megan Leigh Devine, Robinson Seismic Limited, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by Megan Leigh Devine, Robinson Seismic Limited, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
                    Devine, Megan Leigh
                    New Building Technologies
                    2012-03-12-13- 07-3512 March 2012Presentation by Dr Rajesh Prasad Dhakal, University of Canterbury, for the hearing on New Building Technologies Presentation by Dr Rajesh Prasad Dhakal, University of Canterbury, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
                      Dhakal, Rajesh P
                      New Building Technologies
                      2012-03-12-16- 23-3212 March 2012Summary of presentation for the hearing on New Building Technologies by Meagan Leigh DevineSummary of presentation for the hearing on New Building Technologies by Meagan Leigh Devine
                        Devine, Megan Leigh
                        New Building Technologies
                        2012-03-14-11- 17-2314 March 2012Commentary on Professor Charleson’s presentation on Architectural Implications of New Seismic Resistant Design Technologies: Presentation by Trevor Watt, March 2012 Commentary on Professor Charleson’s presentation on Architectural Implications of New Seismic Resistant Design Technologies: Presentation by Trevor Watt, March 2012
                          Watt, Trevor
                          New Building Technologies
                          2012-03-13-15- 59-2313 March 2012Presentation by Sean Gledhill, Aurecon, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by Sean Gledhill, Aurecon, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
                            Gledhill, Sean
                            New Building Technologies
                            2012-03-13-09- 08-5913 March 2012History of Seismic Design and Future Trends: Presentation by Richard Sharpe of Beca, March 2012History of Seismic Design and Future Trends: Presentation by Richard Sharpe of Beca, March 2012
                              Sharpe, Richard
                              New Building Technologies
                              2012-03-13-10- 59-3213 March 2012Further Submission to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission on Base Isolation by Colin AshbyFurther Submission to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission on Base Isolation by Colin Ashby
                                Ashby, Colin
                                New Building Technologies
                                2012-03-14-08- 34-4514 March 2012Southern Cross Hospitals Ltd Endoscopy Consultants' PRESSS Building: Presentation by Gary Haverland for the New Building Technologies hearing, March 2012Southern Cross Hospitals Ltd Endoscopy Consultants' PRESSS Building: Presentation by Gary Haverland for the New Building Technologies hearing, March 2012
                                  Haverland, Gary
                                  New Building Technologies
                                  2012-03-12-16- 44-4512 March 2012Presentation for the hearing on New Building Technologies by Jarg Didier Pettinga, Holmes Consulting GroupPresentation for the hearing on New Building Technologies by Jarg Didier Pettinga, Holmes Consulting Group
                                    Pettinga, Didier
                                    New Building Technologies
                                    2012-03-13-12- 44-0813 March 2012Presentation by John Hare, Holmes Consulting Group, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by John Hare, Holmes Consulting Group, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
                                    • Hare, John
                                    • Holmes Consulting Group
                                      New Building Technologies
                                      2011-11-15-09- 17-2715 November 2011Opening Statement by Counsel Assisting Stephen Mills QC - Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings and Earthquake-Prone Policies hearing, 7 November 2011.Opening Statement by Counsel Assisting Stephen Mills QC - Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings and Earthquake-Prone Policies hearing, 7 November 2011.
                                        Mills, Stephen
                                        Opening Statement
                                        Opening Statement
                                        2011-11-15-09- 23-2215 November 20112011-10-17 Opening Address for The Commission of Inquiry from Counsel Assisting the Commission Stephen Mills, QC 2011-10-17 Opening Address for The Commission of Inquiry from Counsel Assisting the Commission Stephen Mills, QC
                                        • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                        • Mills, Stephen
                                          Opening Statement

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