Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-11-28-12- 22-3228 November 2012Summary by Dr Terry Webb of recent seismic hazard modelling by GNS ScienceSummary by Dr Terry Webb of recent seismic hazard modelling by GNS Science
  • GNS Science
  • Webb, T H (Terry)
    Referenced Document
    2012-03-12-13- 11-2812 March 2012Comments on Seismicity and Building Zone Factors: Submission by Ross Thomson, September 2011Comments on Seismicity and Building Zone Factors: Submission by Ross Thomson, September 2011
      Thomson, Ross
      2011-10-21-13- 17-3521 October 2011Canterbury Earthquake Sequence and Implications for Seismic Design Levels: Technical Report compiled by Dr Terry Webb of GNS Science, July 2011Canterbury Earthquake Sequence and Implications for Seismic Design Levels: Technical Report compiled by Dr Terry Webb of GNS Science, July 2011
      • GNS Science
      • Webb, T H (Terry)
        Technical Report
        2012-11-27-16- 18-3327 November 2012Science Advice for Critical Decision Making, book chapter by E.E. Doyle and D.M JohnstonScience Advice for Critical Decision Making, book chapter by E.E. Doyle and D.M Johnston
        • Doyle, Emma E H
        • Johnston, David M
          Referenced Document
          2012-03-12-13- 01-0112 March 2012GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions - February Spectra and NZS1170 design levels - four Geonet sites closest to CBD: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions - February Spectra and NZS1170 design levels - four Geonet sites closest to CBD: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011
          • GNS Science
          • McVerry, Graeme
            2011-10-19-15- 17-2419 October 2011Evaluation of the Z-factor and Christchurch Considering Earthquake clustering following the Darfield Earthquake - Page 30Evaluation of the Z-factor and Christchurch Considering Earthquake clustering following the Darfield Earthquake - Page 30
              GNS Science
              2012-03-12-12- 53-1512 March 2012Unreinforced masonry and other earthquake-prone buildings - requirements for seismic strengthening: submission by Department of Building and Housing, October 2011Unreinforced masonry and other earthquake-prone buildings - requirements for seismic strengthening: submission by Department of Building and Housing, October 2011
                Kelly, David
                Seismic Strengthening
                2011-10-27-17- 12-0127 October 2011Submission by Auckland Council, October 2011Submission by Auckland Council, October 2011
                • Auckland Council
                • Reade, Patricia
                  Seismic Strengthening
                  2012-08-15-16- 17-5015 August 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                    Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca)
                    Seismic Strengthening
                    2012-08-15-12- 36-1015 August 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission by the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE) on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission by the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering (NZSEE) on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                      New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering
                      Safety Evaluation
                      2011-10-21-14- 11-0421 October 2011System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 5: rapid assessment of buildings during a state of emergency - Building safety evaluation during a state of emergency - Guidelines for Territorial Authorities: Technical Report by New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, August 2009System of Building Controls - Appendix A, Section 5: rapid assessment of buildings during a state of emergency - Building safety evaluation during a state of emergency - Guidelines for Territorial Authorities: Technical Report by New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, August 2009
                      • Department of Building and Housing
                      • New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering
                        Technical Report
                        Safety Evaluation
                        2012-02-16-15- 46-2616 February 2012Submission by Environment Canterbury Regional Council regarding response to Enfocus report, February 2012Submission by Environment Canterbury Regional Council regarding response to Enfocus report, February 2012
                          Environment Canterbury Regional Council
                          Safety Evaluation
                          2012-08-15-15- 38-1015 August 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from Nigel Harwood on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, January 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from Nigel Harwood on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, January 2012
                            Harwood, Nigel
                            Safety Evaluation
                            2012-08-15-15- 20-0215 August 2012 Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission by Dunning Thornton Consultants Ltd on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission by Dunning Thornton Consultants Ltd on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper
                              Dunning Thornton Consultants Ltd
                              Safety Evaluation
                              2012-08-15-13- 09-3315 August 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission by the Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand (SESOC) on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission by the Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand (SESOC) on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                                Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand
                                Safety Evaluation
                                2011-11-04-15- 00-0004 November 2011The Civil Defence Emergency Management Framework and Response to the 22 February Christchurch Earthquake: Technical report by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, October 2011The Civil Defence Emergency Management Framework and Response to the 22 February Christchurch Earthquake: Technical report by the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management, October 2011
                                  Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency
                                  Technical Report
                                  Safety Evaluation
                                  2012-08-15-13- 07-0815 August 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission by Bruce Galloway and John Hare of Holmes Consulting Group on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission by Bruce Galloway and John Hare of Holmes Consulting Group on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                                  • Galloway, Bruce
                                  • Hare, John
                                  • Holmes Consulting Group
                                    Safety Evaluation
                                    2012-08-15-12- 10-0415 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession and Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Guy Marriage on the Royal Commission Discussion Papers, July 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession and Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Guy Marriage on the Royal Commission Discussion Papers, July 2012
                                      Marriage, Guy
                                      Safety Evaluation
                                      2012-08-15-13- 08-5715 August 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission by the New Zealand Society for Risk Management on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission by the New Zealand Society for Risk Management on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
                                        New Zealand Society for Risk Management
                                        Safety Evaluation
                                        2012-06-21-15- 46-0021 June 2012Discussion Paper: Building Management After EarthquakesDiscussion Paper: Building Management After Earthquakes
                                          Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                            Safety Evaluation

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