Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-07-25-11- 20-5825 July 20122012-07-23 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-07-23 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-27-09- 12-4327 July 20122012-07-25 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-07-25 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-02-17-09- 38-3617 February 20122012-02-15 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript2012-02-15 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
  • Gloucester 194
  • High 246
2012-03-01-09- 59-1901 March 20122012-02-28 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript2012-02-28 Individual Buildings (Except CTV & PGC) Whose Failure Resulted in Loss of Life hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Manchester 265-271
2012-09-05-09- 07-1505 September 20122012-09-03 Building Management after Earthquakes hearing transcript2012-09-03 Building Management after Earthquakes hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Building assessments after earthquakes
    2012-09-14-14- 09-5414 September 20122012-09-12 Roles and Responsibilities hearing transcript2012-09-12 Roles and Responsibilities hearing transcript
      Speakers - Various
      Roles and Responsibilities
      2011-12-05-15- 08-4805 December 2011Preliminary Observations from Christchurch Earthquakes: Report by Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand, September 2011Preliminary Observations from Christchurch Earthquakes: Report by Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand, September 2011
        Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand
          2011-12-05-15- 08-4805 December 2011Preliminary Observations from Christchurch Earthquakes: Report by Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand, September 2011Preliminary Observations from Christchurch Earthquakes: Report by Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand, September 2011
            Structural Engineering Society of New Zealand
              2012-02-16-16- 16-0816 February 2012Colombo 382 hearing: Collection of correspondence and documents provided by the Christchurch City CouncilColombo 382 hearing: Collection of correspondence and documents provided by the Christchurch City Council
              • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
              • Christchurch City Council
                  Buildings - Representative Sample
                • Colombo 380
                • Colombo 382
                2012-06-21-15- 46-0021 June 2012Discussion Paper: Building Management After EarthquakesDiscussion Paper: Building Management After Earthquakes
                  Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                  • Building assessments after earthquakes
                  • Discussion Paper
                  • Placarding (Stickering)
                  • Safety Evaluation
                    2012-06-21-15- 45-2621 June 2012Discussion Paper: Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering ProfessionDiscussion Paper: Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession
                      Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                      • Discussion Paper
                      • Training and Education
                        2011-11-30-14- 41-1330 November 2011Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Photographic summary of primary damage observed from Department of Building and Housing, 16 September 2010Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Photographic summary of primary damage observed from Department of Building and Housing, 16 September 2010
                          Department of Building and Housing
                            Buildings - Representative Sample
                            Cambridge 233
                          2012-09-07-17- 18-4107 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions on behalf of bereaved families and those injuredCTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions on behalf of bereaved families and those injured
                            Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                              Buildings - Representative Sample
                              Madras 249
                            2012-09-07-15- 14-5307 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions of Counsel for David HardingCTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions of Counsel for David Harding
                              Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                Buildings - Representative Sample
                                Madras 249
                              2012-09-07-12- 17-1007 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions of Counsel for Christchurch City Council CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to the published documents referenced in the closing submissions of Counsel for Christchurch City Council
                                Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                  Buildings - Representative Sample
                                  Madras 249
                                2012-09-06-16- 59-0606 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to published documents referenced in the Closing Submissions of Counsel for Alan Reay Consultants Limited and Dr ReayCTV Building hearing: Index of URL links to published documents referenced in the Closing Submissions of Counsel for Alan Reay Consultants Limited and Dr Reay
                                  Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                    Buildings - Representative Sample
                                    Madras 249
                                  2012-01-25-15- 18-4225 January 2012Hereford 194 hearing: Statement of Christine WatsonHereford 194 hearing: Statement of Christine Watson
                                    Watson, Christine
                                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                                      Hereford 194
                                    2012-07-20-13- 39-1020 July 2012Evaluation of earthquake damaged concrete and masonry wall buildings - Basic procedures manual prepared by the Applied Technology Council for The Partnership for Response and RecoveryEvaluation of earthquake damaged concrete and masonry wall buildings - Basic procedures manual prepared by the Applied Technology Council for The Partnership for Response and Recovery
                                      Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
                                      • Building assessments after earthquakes
                                      • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                                        2012-07-11-15- 01-1511 July 2012Discussion Paper: Roles and ResponsibilitiesDiscussion Paper: Roles and Responsibilities
                                          Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                                          • Discussion Paper
                                          • Standards and Regulation
                                            2012-08-15-16- 30-3215 August 2012Building Management After Earthquakes: Submission from Bronwyn DewarBuilding Management After Earthquakes: Submission from Bronwyn Dewar
                                              Dewar, Bronwyn
                                              • Building assessments after earthquakes
                                              • Placarding (Stickering)
                                              • Safety Evaluation

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