Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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24 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Practice advisory issued by DBH on the topic of egress stairsForsyth Barr hearing: Practice advisory issued by DBH on the topic of egress stairs
    Department of Building and Housing
    Opening Statement
    Training and Education
    10 September 2012Training and education of engineers and organisation of the engineering profession hearing: Opening address from Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission, Mark ZarifehTraining and education of engineers and organisation of the engineering profession hearing: Opening address from Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission, Mark Zarifeh
    • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
    • Zarifeh, Mark
      Opening Statement
      Training and Education
      23 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Investigation into the collapse of the Forsyth Barr building stairs on 22nd February 2011Forsyth Barr hearing: Investigation into the collapse of the Forsyth Barr building stairs on 22nd February 2011
        Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Ltd (Beca)
        Opening Statement
        Stairs and Floors
        Colombo 764
      24 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Hyland building stairs site examination and materials testForsyth Barr hearing: Hyland building stairs site examination and materials test
      • Hyland Consultants Ltd
      • Hyland, Clark
        Opening Statement
        Stairs and Floors
        Colombo 764
      24 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Practice advisory issued by DBH on the topic of egress stairsForsyth Barr hearing: Practice advisory issued by DBH on the topic of egress stairs
        Department of Building and Housing
        Opening Statement
        Stairs and Floors
        15 November 2011Opening Statement by Counsel Assisting Stephen Mills QC - Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings and Earthquake-Prone Policies hearing, 7 November 2011.Opening Statement by Counsel Assisting Stephen Mills QC - Unreinforced Masonry (URM) Buildings and Earthquake-Prone Policies hearing, 7 November 2011.
          Mills, Stephen
          Opening Statement
          Opening Statement
          01 December 20112011-11-28 PGC Building opening statement by Stephen Mills 2011-11-28 PGC Building opening statement by Stephen Mills
          • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
          • Mills, Stephen
            Opening Statement
            Opening Statement
            Cambridge 233
          12 December 2011Buildings (other than CTV and PGC) That Caused Fatalities opening statement by Mark ZarifehBuildings (other than CTV and PGC) That Caused Fatalities opening statement by Mark Zarifeh
            Zarifeh, Mark
            Opening Statement
            Fatality and Injury
            23 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Review by Holmes Consulting Group of technical investigation reports prepared for Department of Building and HousingForsyth Barr hearing: Review by Holmes Consulting Group of technical investigation reports prepared for Department of Building and Housing
            • Black, Bruce
            • Holmes Consulting Group
              Opening Statement
            • Cambridge 233
            • Cashel 161
            • Colombo 764
            28 February 2012Manchester 265-271 (Gloucester 173) hearing: Summary for the hearingManchester 265-271 (Gloucester 173) hearing: Summary for the hearing
            • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
            • Zarifeh, Mark
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
            • Gloucester 173
            • Manchester 265-271
            01 March 2012Colombo 738 hearing: Documents in the ChronologyColombo 738 hearing: Documents in the Chronology
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Colombo 738
            15 February 2012Gloucester 194 hearing: Chronology of documentsGloucester 194 hearing: Chronology of documents
              Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Gloucester 194
            06 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Opening Submission for Christchurch City CouncilCTV Building hearing: Opening Submission for Christchurch City Council
              Christchurch City Council
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            15 February 2012Gloucester 194 hearing: Summary for the hearingGloucester 194 hearing: Summary for the hearing
              Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Gloucester 194
            27 February 2012Lichfield 43 hearing: Aerial image and photographs of Lichfield 43 Lichfield 43 hearing: Aerial image and photographs of Lichfield 43
              New Zealand Police
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Lichfield 43
            12 March 2012Colombo 753-759 hearing: Documents in the ChronologyColombo 753-759 hearing: Documents in the Chronology
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
            • Colombo 753
            • Colombo 755
            • Colombo 757
            • Colombo 759
            12 December 2011Colombo 593 hearing: ChronologyColombo 593 hearing: Chronology
              Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
            • Colombo 593
            • St Asaph 187
            15 February 2012Gloucester 194 hearing: Documents in the ChronologyGloucester 194 hearing: Documents in the Chronology
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Gloucester 194
            14 December 2011Riccarton 7 hearing: Chronology of documentsRiccarton 7 hearing: Chronology of documents
            • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
            • Zarifeh, Mark
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Riccarton 7
            13 December 2011Colombo 617-625 hearing: Chronology of documentsColombo 617-625 hearing: Chronology of documents
            • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
            • Zarifeh, Mark
              Opening Statement
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Colombo 617-625

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