Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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20 October 2011GNS Science - Likely Future Rates of Seismicity in Christchurch - Likelihood of Aftershocks as at 15 September 2011 - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal CommissionGNS Science - Likely Future Rates of Seismicity in Christchurch - Likelihood of Aftershocks as at 15 September 2011 - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
  • GNS Science
  • Webb, T H (Terry)
    18 October 2011GNS Science - The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal CommissionGNS Science - The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
    • GNS Science
    • Webb, T H (Terry)
      17 October 2011GNS Science - Webb Ancillary Slides: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Slide 1 - Stress triggering in TurkeyGNS Science - Webb Ancillary Slides: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Slide 1 - Stress triggering in Turkey
      • GNS Science
      • Webb, T H (Terry)
        12 March 2012GNS Science - Colombo Streets Estimation: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011GNS Science - Colombo Streets Estimation: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011
        • GNS Science
        • McVerry, Graeme
          19 October 2011Textbook Aftershock Sequence, Seismologist Says - includes graph: number of aftershocks per day greater than magnitude 5 - Media Release by GNS Science, 10 September 2010Textbook Aftershock Sequence, Seismologist Says - includes graph: number of aftershocks per day greater than magnitude 5 - Media Release by GNS Science, 10 September 2010
            GNS Science
            19 October 2011Aftershock info for Geonet website: Number of aftershocks per day vs modelled daily number of aftershocks greater than magnitude 5Aftershock info for Geonet website: Number of aftershocks per day vs modelled daily number of aftershocks greater than magnitude 5
            • Gerstenberger, Matthew
            • GNS Science
              19 October 2011Canterbury Earthquake Sequence and Implications for Seismic Design Levels: GNS Science Consultancy Report 2011/183, July 2011 -graphs presented at the hearings into seismicity presented by Dr G McVerryCanterbury Earthquake Sequence and Implications for Seismic Design Levels: GNS Science Consultancy Report 2011/183, July 2011 -graphs presented at the hearings into seismicity presented by Dr G McVerry
              • GNS Science
              • Webb, T H (Terry)
                19 October 2011Extract from GNS webpage explaining the Darfield Quake, FAQ and other data - Pages 1 to 4Extract from GNS webpage explaining the Darfield Quake, FAQ and other data - Pages 1 to 4
                  GNS Science
                  19 October 2011Chairman and Chief Executive's Review - GNS Science Annual Report 2011 by Tom Campbell, Chairman and Dr Alexander Malahoff, Chief Executive, page 2Chairman and Chief Executive's Review - GNS Science Annual Report 2011 by Tom Campbell, Chairman and Dr Alexander Malahoff, Chief Executive, page 2
                  • Campbell, Tom
                  • GNS Science
                  • Malahoff, Alex
                    19 October 2011GNS Science - Likely Future Rates of Seismicity in Christchurch - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Slide 7 - Where does Christchurch's Seismic Hazard Come from?GNS Science - Likely Future Rates of Seismicity in Christchurch - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Slide 7 - Where does Christchurch's Seismic Hazard Come from?
                    • GNS Science
                    • Webb, T H (Terry)
                      19 October 2011Canterbury quake the most damaging since 1931 - includes map of large New Zealand earthquakes - Media Release from GNS Science, 4 September 2010Canterbury quake the most damaging since 1931 - includes map of large New Zealand earthquakes - Media Release from GNS Science, 4 September 2010
                        GNS Science
                        19 October 2011GNS Science - National Implications and Conclusions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Pages 7-10GNS Science - National Implications and Conclusions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Pages 7-10
                        • GNS Science
                        • Webb, T H (Terry)
                          18 October 2011GNS Science -The steps of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011GNS Science -The steps of Probabilistic Seismic Hazard: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011
                          • GNS Science
                          • Pettinga, Jarg
                            21 October 2011Probabilities of aftershocks and larger events for the 2010 Darfield earthquake based on average behaviour of New Zealand earthquakes: Technical Report by GNS Science, 2011Probabilities of aftershocks and larger events for the 2010 Darfield earthquake based on average behaviour of New Zealand earthquakes: Technical Report by GNS Science, 2011
                              GNS Science
                            • Exhibit
                            • Technical Report
                              19 October 2011Modified Mercalli Intensity ScaleModified Mercalli Intensity Scale
                                Mercalli, Giuseppe
                                21 October 2011Canterbury Earthquake Sequence and Implications for Seismic Design Levels: Peer Review by Professor Ralph Archuleta, October 2011Canterbury Earthquake Sequence and Implications for Seismic Design Levels: Peer Review by Professor Ralph Archuleta, October 2011
                                  Archuleta, Ralph J
                                • Exhibit
                                • Technical Report
                                  20 October 2011GNS Science - The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence - Shaking measures by instruments versus distance, compared to NZ model - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission by Dr Terry WebbGNS Science - The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence - Shaking measures by instruments versus distance, compared to NZ model - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission by Dr Terry Webb
                                  • GNS Science
                                  • Webb, T H (Terry)
                                    12 March 2012GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011 - Slide 15GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011 - Slide 15
                                    • GNS Science
                                    • McVerry, Graeme
                                      19 October 2011GNS Science - Likely Future Rates of Seismicity in Christchurch - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Seismicity - September 2010,October 2011GNS Science - Likely Future Rates of Seismicity in Christchurch - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Seismicity - September 2010,October 2011
                                      • GNS Science
                                      • Webb, T H (Terry)
                                        19 October 2011GNS Science - National Implications and Conclusions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Pages 1 - 6GNS Science - National Implications and Conclusions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Pages 1 - 6
                                        • GNS Science
                                        • Webb, T H (Terry)

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