Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Phillippa Robyn LeeCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Phillippa Robyn Lee
    Lee, Phillippa
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-1111 July 2012CTV Building hearing: CTV Building Collapse Investigation: Peer review by William T Holmes of the report prepared for the DBH by Dr Clark Hyland and Ashley SmithCTV Building hearing: CTV Building Collapse Investigation: Peer review by William T Holmes of the report prepared for the DBH by Dr Clark Hyland and Ashley Smith
  • Holmes, William T
  • Rutherford & Chekene
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Video stills of work in progress on the western wall of the building, February 2011CTV Building hearing: Video stills of work in progress on the western wall of the building, February 2011
    Canterbury Television
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-03-1313 March 2012Presentation by John Hare, Holmes Consulting Group, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by John Hare, Holmes Consulting Group, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
  • Hare, John
  • Holmes Consulting Group
    New Building Technologies
    2012-11-2323 November 2012 CTV Building hearing - Paul Downey and Clark Hyland interview with Penelope Spencer - 28 April 2011 CTV Building hearing - Paul Downey and Clark Hyland interview with Penelope Spencer - 28 April 2011
    • Downey, Paul
    • Hyland, Clark
    • Buildings - Representative Sample
    • Interviews
      Madras 249
    2012-01-2626 January 2012Manchester 200-204 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Simon Frederick GiffordManchester 200-204 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Simon Frederick Gifford
      Gifford, Simon Frederick
      Buildings - Representative Sample
    • Manchester 200
    • Manchester 204
    2012-01-2323 January 2012Lichfield 116 hearing: Email from Glen McConnell to Sean Gardiner regarding pictures of buildingLichfield 116 hearing: Email from Glen McConnell to Sean Gardiner regarding pictures of building
      McConnell, Glen
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Lichfield 116
    2012-02-1414 February 2012Colombo 601/601A hearing: Statement of Marton David SinclairColombo 601/601A hearing: Statement of Marton David Sinclair
      Sinclair, Marton
      Buildings - Representative Sample
    • Colombo 601
    • Colombo 601A
    2012-07-2525 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Brendon Archie BradleyCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Brendon Archie Bradley
      Bradley, Brendon
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2012-03-1414 March 2012Biography of Peter Neil Thorby, Manager Building Standards Group, DBHBiography of Peter Neil Thorby, Manager Building Standards Group, DBH
      Thorby, Peter Neil
    • New Building Technologies
    • Profile
      2012-02-1616 February 2012Colombo 382 hearing: Seismic risk buildings and hazardous appendage survey and assessmentColombo 382 hearing: Seismic risk buildings and hazardous appendage survey and assessment
        Christchurch City Council
      • Building Failure
      • Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Colombo 380
      • Colombo 382
      2012-02-1515 February 2012High 246 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Bruce Duncan GallowayHigh 246 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Bruce Duncan Galloway
        Galloway, Bruce
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        High 246
      2012-07-1212 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Graph by Professor Nigel Priestley of the influence of spiral size, spacing and cover on the CTV column response CTV Building hearing: Graph by Professor Nigel Priestley of the influence of spiral size, spacing and cover on the CTV column response
        Priestley, Nigel
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2011-12-1313 December 2011Colombo 593 hearing: Statement of Christopher Philip ChapmanColombo 593 hearing: Statement of Christopher Philip Chapman
        Chapman, Chris
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Colombo 593
      2012-03-1212 March 2012Presentation for the hearing on New Building Technologies by Jarg Didier Pettinga, Holmes Consulting GroupPresentation for the hearing on New Building Technologies by Jarg Didier Pettinga, Holmes Consulting Group
        Pettinga, Didier
        New Building Technologies
        2012-02-1414 February 2012Colombo 601/601A hearing: Reminder sent from Christchurch City Council to Yee Brothers Syndicate to provide CPEng report in order to move forward with ensuring safe occupancy of buildingColombo 601/601A hearing: Reminder sent from Christchurch City Council to Yee Brothers Syndicate to provide CPEng report in order to move forward with ensuring safe occupancy of building
        • Bronner, Laura
        • Christchurch City Council
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Colombo 601
        2012-07-2626 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Order as to Directions in relation to Non-Linear Time History Analysis EvidenceCTV Building hearing: Order as to Directions in relation to Non-Linear Time History Analysis Evidence
        • Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
        • Cooper, Justice
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-03-0101 March 2012Colombo 738 hearing: Letter response from the Christchurch City Council to the Royal Commission's request for information about 738 Colombo StreetColombo 738 hearing: Letter response from the Christchurch City Council to the Royal Commission's request for information about 738 Colombo Street
        • Christchurch City Council
        • Gilbert, Chris
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Colombo 738
        2012-07-3131 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Alan M. Reay Consulting Engineer commercial job list - November 1985 - December 1986CTV Building hearing: Alan M. Reay Consulting Engineer commercial job list - November 1985 - December 1986
          Reay, Alan
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-11-2626 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Certificate of Incorporation 493651 issued to Madras Equities LtdCTV Building hearing: Certificate of Incorporation 493651 issued to Madras Equities Ltd
          Registrar of Companies
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249

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