Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2011-10-2121 October 2011Probabilities of aftershocks and larger events for the 2010 Darfield earthquake based on average behaviour of New Zealand earthquakes: Technical Report by GNS Science, 2011Probabilities of aftershocks and larger events for the 2010 Darfield earthquake based on average behaviour of New Zealand earthquakes: Technical Report by GNS Science, 2011
    GNS Science
  • Exhibit
  • Technical Report
    2011-10-1717 October 2011GNS Science - Webb Ancillary Slides: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Slide 1 - Stress triggering in TurkeyGNS Science - Webb Ancillary Slides: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission - Slide 1 - Stress triggering in Turkey
    • GNS Science
    • Webb, T H (Terry)
      2011-10-1919 October 2011Textbook Aftershock Sequence, Seismologist Says - includes graph: number of aftershocks per day greater than magnitude 5 - Media Release by GNS Science, 10 September 2010Textbook Aftershock Sequence, Seismologist Says - includes graph: number of aftershocks per day greater than magnitude 5 - Media Release by GNS Science, 10 September 2010
        GNS Science
        2011-11-1414 November 2011Draft Policy on Earthquake-Prone Buildings: Letter by Sir Miles Warren, ArchitectDraft Policy on Earthquake-Prone Buildings: Letter by Sir Miles Warren, Architect
          Warren, Miles
        • Standards and Regulation
        • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
          2011-10-1919 October 2011Structural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard SpectraStructural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard Spectra
            Standards New Zealand
            Standards and Regulation
            2011-10-1818 October 2011Structural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard SpectraStructural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard Spectra
              Standards New Zealand
              Standards and Regulation
              2012-09-0404 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes hearing: Memorandum of counsel for Christchurch City CouncilBuilding Management after Earthquakes hearing: Memorandum of counsel for Christchurch City Council
                Christchurch City Council
                Building assessments after earthquakes
                2012-09-0404 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes hearing: Building Evaluation and Occupancy Assessment flowchartsBuilding Management after Earthquakes hearing: Building Evaluation and Occupancy Assessment flowcharts
                  Department of Building and Housing
                  Building assessments after earthquakes
                  2011-11-0707 November 2011Building Act 1991 No 150Building Act 1991 No 150
                    New Zealand Parliament
                  • Standards and Regulation
                  • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                    2012-07-3131 July 2012CTV Building hearing: NZS 3101 Part 1: 1982 Code of practice for the Design of Concrete StructuresCTV Building hearing: NZS 3101 Part 1: 1982 Code of practice for the Design of Concrete Structures
                      Standards New Zealand
                      Standards and Regulation
                      2012-09-1010 September 2012Training and education of engineers and organisation of the engineering profession hearing: Briefing notes of Dr Andrew Cleland Training and education of engineers and organisation of the engineering profession hearing: Briefing notes of Dr Andrew Cleland
                        Cleland, Andrew
                        Training and Education
                        2012-09-1111 September 2012Roles and responsibilities hearing: Presentation by Dr David Kelly and Dr Peter Mumford of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (formerly DBH)Roles and responsibilities hearing: Presentation by Dr David Kelly and Dr Peter Mumford of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (formerly DBH)
                        • Department of Building and Housing
                        • Kelly, David
                        • Mumford, Peter John
                          Roles and Responsibilities
                          2012-09-1111 September 2012Roles and responsibilities hearing: Presentation from Dr Nicki Crauford, IPENZ Deputy Chief ExecutiveRoles and responsibilities hearing: Presentation from Dr Nicki Crauford, IPENZ Deputy Chief Executive
                          • Crauford, Nicola Lane (Nicki)
                          • Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)
                          • Roles and Responsibilities
                          • Standards and Regulation
                            2012-09-1212 September 2012Roles and responsibilities hearing: Presentation by Dr David Kelly of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (formerly DBH) Roles and responsibilities hearing: Presentation by Dr David Kelly of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (formerly DBH)
                            • Department of Building and Housing
                            • Kelly, David
                              Roles and Responsibilities
                              2011-11-0909 November 2011Earthquake-prone building provisions of the Building Act 2004: Policy guidance for Territorial AuthoritiesEarthquake-prone building provisions of the Building Act 2004: Policy guidance for Territorial Authorities
                                Department of Building and Housing
                              • Standards and Regulation
                              • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                                2011-10-1919 October 2011Email from Matthew Gerstenberger to Dr Terry Webb regarding aftershock information for the Geonet websiteEmail from Matthew Gerstenberger to Dr Terry Webb regarding aftershock information for the Geonet website
                                • Gerstenberger, Matthew
                                • GNS Science
                                  2011-10-1818 October 2011Structural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard SpectraStructural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard Spectra
                                    Standards New Zealand
                                    Standards and Regulation
                                    2011-11-0808 November 2011Background on California Seismic Safety Commission: Presentation by Fred Turner, November 2011Background on California Seismic Safety Commission: Presentation by Fred Turner, November 2011
                                      Turner, Fred
                                      Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                                      2011-11-0909 November 2011Hearings on Earthquake-prone Buildings: Presentation (Submission) by David Hopkins, November 2011Hearings on Earthquake-prone Buildings: Presentation (Submission) by David Hopkins, November 2011
                                        Hopkins, David
                                        Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                                        2012-03-1212 March 2012Requirement for Future Buildings: Submission by Rod Fulford on behalf of Precast New Zealand Inc, December 2011Requirement for Future Buildings: Submission by Rod Fulford on behalf of Precast New Zealand Inc, December 2011
                                        • Fulford, Rod
                                        • Precast New Zealand Inc
                                        • Exhibit
                                        • Submission
                                        • Engineering
                                        • New Building Technologies

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