Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Euan GutteridgeCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Euan Gutteridge
    Gutteridge, Euan
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Letter reply from David Harding to a request for information from the Royal Commission, April 2012CTV Building hearing: Letter reply from David Harding to a request for information from the Royal Commission, April 2012
  • Harding, David
  • Saunders & Co Lawyers
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-1212 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Photograph taken by Dr Robert Heywood of sealant on column remnants, June 2012CTV Building hearing: Photograph taken by Dr Robert Heywood of sealant on column remnants, June 2012
    Heywood, Rob
  • Buildings - Representative Sample
  • Engineering
    Madras 249
2012-06-2828 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Brief of evidence of Russell James SimsonCTV Building hearing: Brief of evidence of Russell James Simson
    Simson, Russell
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-2323 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Robin ShepherdCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Robin Shepherd
    Shepherd, Robin
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-1515 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Second Brief of Evidence of John HenryCTV Building hearing: Second Brief of Evidence of John Henry
    Henry, John
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Peter James BrownCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Peter James Brown
    Brown, Peter
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Photograph of the building at 299 Durham StreetCTV Building hearing: Photograph of the building at 299 Durham Street
    Ross Becker Photography
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-03-0707 March 2012Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Application of Counsel on behalf of Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov regarding jurisdictionSrecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Application of Counsel on behalf of Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov regarding jurisdiction
    Hampton, Nigel
    Cvetanov Hearing
    Madras 249
2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Stephen Malcolm GillCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Stephen Malcolm Gill
    Gill, Stephen Malcolm
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Stephen Adrian GrenfellCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Stephen Adrian Grenfell
    Grenfell, Stephen
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-0808 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of William James Jones CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of William James Jones
    Jones, William James (Bill)
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Letter from New Zealand Fire Service regarding the cause of fire following the collapse of the buildingCTV Building hearing: Letter from New Zealand Fire Service regarding the cause of fire following the collapse of the building
    New Zealand Fire Service
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Malcolm William HarrisCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Malcolm William Harris
    Harris, Malcolm
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Ronald William GodkinCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Ronald William Godkin
    Godkin, Ronald William
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-1010 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Robert David Jury CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Robert David Jury
    Jury, Rob
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of David John BainbridgeCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of David John Bainbridge
    Bainbridge, David
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-03-0606 March 2012Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Further submissions of counsel on behalf of Srecko (Alec) CvetanovSrecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Further submissions of counsel on behalf of Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov
  • Hampton, Nigel
  • MDS Law, Barristers and Solicitors
    Cvetanov Hearing
    Madras 249
2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Photograph of the building at 287 Durham StreetCTV Building hearing: Photograph of the building at 287 Durham Street
    Ross Becker Photography
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Alan Noel EdgeCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Alan Noel Edge
    Edge, Alan
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249

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