Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-07-31-15- 03-4331 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Photograph of book market in the IRD buildingCTV Building hearing: Photograph of book market in the IRD building
    Becker, Ross
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-15-11- 59-4315 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from Professor Jarg Pettinga, Professor Timothy Davies and David Bell on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from Professor Jarg Pettinga, Professor Timothy Davies and David Bell on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
    Bell, David
  • Engineering
  • Training and Education
    2012-08-15-12- 18-3215 August 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from Professor Jarg Pettinga, Professor Timothy Davies and David Bell on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012Training and Education of Engineers and Organisation of the Engineering Profession: Submission from Professor Jarg Pettinga, Professor Timothy Davies and David Bell on the Royal Commission Discussion Paper, July 2012
      Bell, David
    • Engineering
    • Training and Education
      2012-03-12-12- 59-5912 March 20122011-10-19 Seismicity hearing transcript2011-10-19 Seismicity hearing transcript
        Berryman, K
      • Geotechnical
      • Seismicity
        2011-11-10-09- 49-1810 November 2011Letter from Marlborough District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Marlborough District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
          Besley, Andrew
          RFI Response
        • Standards and Regulation
        • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
          2012-02-02-14- 00-4302 February 2012Colombo 603 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Vincie Maria BillanteColombo 603 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Vincie Maria Billante
            Billante, Vincie
            Buildings - Representative Sample
          • Colombo 603
          • Colombo 605
          • Colombo 615
          2011-11-28-16- 06-5628 November 2011Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Letter and documents from Holmes Consulting Group regarding information on the PGC BuildingCambridge 233 PGC Building: Letter and documents from Holmes Consulting Group regarding information on the PGC Building
            Black, Bruce
            Buildings - Representative Sample
            Cambridge 233
          2012-02-23-12- 23-1123 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Review by Holmes Consulting Group of technical investigation reports prepared for Department of Building and HousingForsyth Barr hearing: Review by Holmes Consulting Group of technical investigation reports prepared for Department of Building and Housing
            Black, Bruce
            Opening Statement
          • Buildings - Representative Sample
          • Engineering
          • Cambridge 233
          • Cashel 161
          • Colombo 764
          2012-09-04-16- 00-2204 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Edward BlaikieBuilding Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Edward Blaikie
            Blaikie, Edward L (Ted)
          • Building assessments after earthquakes
          • Placarding (Stickering)
          • Safety Evaluation
            2012-09-04-16- 00-5304 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Edward BlaikieBuilding Management after Earthquakes: Submission from Edward Blaikie
              Blaikie, Edward L (Ted)
            • Building assessments after earthquakes
            • Placarding (Stickering)
            • Safety Evaluation
              2012-09-06-13- 02-0206 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Christchurch City Council guidelines for structural checking engineering staffCTV Building hearing: Christchurch City Council guidelines for structural checking engineering staff
                Bluck, Bryan
                Referenced Document
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2011-11-10-10- 01-1310 November 2011Letter from Manawatu District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policiesLetter from Manawatu District Council about unreinforced masonry (URM) and earthquake-prone building policies
                Boakes, Karel
                RFI Response
              • RFI and EOI
              • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
                2012-11-27-16- 07-3127 November 2012 Development of seismic vulnerability assessment methodologies over the past 30 years Development of seismic vulnerability assessment methodologies over the past 30 years
                  Bommer, J J
                  Referenced Document
                • Building assessments after earthquakes
                • Engineering
                • Placarding (Stickering)
                • Safety Evaluation
                  2011-11-07-11- 30-5907 November 2011Colombo 603 and 605-613 hearing: Ian Bowman, Architect and ConservatorColombo 603 and 605-613 hearing: Ian Bowman, Architect and Conservator
                    Bowman, Ian
                    Speaker Profile
                    2012-01-24-15- 44-4324 January 2012Cashel 89/91/93 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Alistair Ronald BoyceCashel 89/91/93 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Alistair Ronald Boyce
                      Boyce, Alistair
                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                      Cashel 91
                    2012-01-24-15- 44-2424 January 2012Cashel 89/91/93 hearing: Documents regarding 89, 91, and 93 Cashel StreetCashel 89/91/93 hearing: Documents regarding 89, 91, and 93 Cashel Street
                      Boyce, Alistair
                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                      Cashel 91
                    2012-01-30-12- 06-3930 January 2012Cathedral Square 32 hearing: Emails and messages to staff from Joanne Ballantyne and Andrew BoyleCathedral Square 32 hearing: Emails and messages to staff from Joanne Ballantyne and Andrew Boyle
                      Boyle, Andrew Simon
                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                      Cathedral 32
                    2012-01-30-12- 06-4830 January 2012Cathedral Square 32 hearing: Statement of evidence of Andrew Simon BoyleCathedral Square 32 hearing: Statement of evidence of Andrew Simon Boyle
                      Boyle, Andrew Simon
                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                      Cathedral 32
                    2011-12-13-13- 17-2213 December 2011Colombo 593 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Alistair Geoffrey BoysColombo 593 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Alistair Geoffrey Boys
                      Boys, Alistair
                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                      Colombo 593
                    2012-02-15-16- 29-2315 February 2012High 246 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Alistair Geoffrey BoysHigh 246 hearing: Brief of Evidence of Alistair Geoffrey Boys
                      Boys, Alistair
                      Buildings - Representative Sample
                      High 246

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