Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

Volume 6: Canterbury Television Building (CTV)
(with foreign language translations)

Cover image of Volume 6 Canterbury Television Building (CTV)

Download a PDF version of Volume 6 in five parts or follow the links below for .docx versions of this document, by section.

Download a PDF version of Volume 6 (Part 1): pages 1 - 118 (3 MB)

Download a PDF version of Volume 6 (Part 2): pages 119 - 162 (1.6 MB)

Download a PDF version of Volume 6 (Part 3): pages 163 - 177 (1.6 MB)

Download a PDF version of Volume 6 (Part 4): pages 178 - 195 (1.3 MB)

Download a PDF version of Volume 6 (Part 5): pages 196 - 324 (2 MB)

 Volume 6 - Word (.docx) versions











  • Section 9: Summary of conclusions and recommendations (.docx) 125KB
    (This document is also available in PDF in the following languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai)
    9.1 Structure of the CTV building
    9.2 Engineering design of the building
    9.3 Building permit
    9.4 Construction
    9.5 Building retrofit
    9.6 The building from 1991 to the September 2010 earthquake
    9.7 The September 2010 earthquake and post-earthquake assessments
    9.8 The building from the September 2010 earthquake to 22 February 2011
    9.9 The collapse of the CTV building on 22 February 2011
    9.10 Reasons for the collapse
    9.11 Issues with the structural system
    9.12 Compliance with legal requirements
    9.13 Compliance with best-practice requirements
    9.14 The assessment of other buildings with potential structural weaknesses
    9.15 Conclusion