Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-08-08-09- 12-2308 August 20122012-08-06 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-08-06 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-13-14- 30-4913 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Arthur Joseph O'Leary in relation to the CTV BuildingCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Arthur Joseph O'Leary in relation to the CTV Building
    O'Leary, Arthur
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-09-11- 59-1309 August 20122012-08-07 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-08-07 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-15-15- 29-1815 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Alexander Shane FairmaidCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Alexander Shane Fairmaid
    Fairmaid, Alexander
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-13-09- 26-5413 August 20122012-08-09 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-08-09 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-17-14- 43-0717 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Sample calculations on the connection of the floor slab at level 6 to the wall on grid 5 by Arthur O'Leary, August 2012 CTV Building hearing: Sample calculations on the connection of the floor slab at level 6 to the wall on grid 5 by Arthur O'Leary, August 2012
    O'Leary, Arthur
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-10-26-11- 59-4526 October 2012Independent Assessment on Earthquake Performance of Bedford Row car park building - 20 Bedford Row: Report by Peter Smith and Jonathan Devine of Spencer Holmes Limited, January 2012Independent Assessment on Earthquake Performance of Bedford Row car park building - 20 Bedford Row: Report by Peter Smith and Jonathan Devine of Spencer Holmes Limited, January 2012
  • Devine, Jonathan
  • Smith, Peter
  • Spencer Holmes Ltd
    Technical Report
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Bedford 20
2012-07-30-12- 38-5830 July 20122012-07-26 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-07-26 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-31-15- 21-3131 July 2012CTV Building hearing: ETABS output for Westpark TowerCTV Building hearing: ETABS output for Westpark Tower
    Harding, David
    Buildings - Representative Sample
  • Cashel 56
  • Madras 249
2012-08-01-11- 29-2701 August 20122012-07-30 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-07-30 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-06-10- 08-4106 August 20122012-08-02 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-08-02 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-02-10- 01-1402 August 20122012-07-31 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-07-31 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-06-09- 46-1406 August 20122012-08-01 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-08-01 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-08-17-17- 52-2417 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of Peter John Wilding CTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of Peter John Wilding
    Wilding, Peter
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-26-11- 49-4726 July 2012CTV Building hearing: CTV Building Non-Linear Time History Analysis (NLTHA) Report: second draft issue prepared by Compusoft Engineering LimitedCTV Building hearing: CTV Building Non-Linear Time History Analysis (NLTHA) Report: second draft issue prepared by Compusoft Engineering Limited
  • Bradley, Derek
  • Brooke, Nicholas
  • Compusoft Engineering
  • Stuart, Tony
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-25-11- 20-5825 July 20122012-07-23 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-07-23 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-26-12- 52-0826 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Joint report in relation to interpretation of second Compusoft NTHACTV Building hearing: Joint report in relation to interpretation of second Compusoft NTHA
  • Bradley, Brendon
  • Bradley, Derek
  • Davidson, Barry
  • Hyland, Clark
  • Jury, Rob
  • Mander, John
  • Priestley, Nigel
  • Smith, Ashley
  • Stuart, Tony
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-26-12- 11-0826 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Presentation by Compusoft on NLTH analyses to aid in the investigation into the collapse of the CTV BuildingCTV Building hearing: Presentation by Compusoft on NLTH analyses to aid in the investigation into the collapse of the CTV Building
  • Bradley, Derek
  • Compusoft Engineering
  • Davidson, Barry
  • Stuart, Tony
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-27-09- 12-4327 July 20122012-07-25 CTV Building hearing transcript2012-07-25 CTV Building hearing transcript
    Speakers - Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-30-10- 57-5230 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Opening address for David HardingCTV Building hearing: Opening address for David Harding
  • Kirkland, J M
  • Saunders & Co Lawyers
    Opening Statement
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249

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