Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-09-0303 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes hearing: Presentation by Bret Lizundia on The Evaluation and Management of Buildings Following EarthquakesBuilding Management after Earthquakes hearing: Presentation by Bret Lizundia on The Evaluation and Management of Buildings Following Earthquakes
    Lizundia, Bret
    Building assessments after earthquakes
    2012-07-2626 July 2012CTV Building hearing: CTV Elastic Response Spectra Analyses (ERSA) Report by Athol CarrCTV Building hearing: CTV Elastic Response Spectra Analyses (ERSA) Report by Athol Carr
      Carr, Athol J
    • Buildings - Representative Sample
    • Engineering
      Madras 249
    2012-09-0404 September 2012Building Management after Eathquakes hearing: Collection of documents in relation to building demolition at 192 Madras StreetBuilding Management after Eathquakes hearing: Collection of documents in relation to building demolition at 192 Madras Street
    • Various
    • White Fox & Jones Lawyers
      Building assessments after earthquakes
      Madras 192
    2012-07-0404 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of William David Coatsworth, Attachments part GCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of William David Coatsworth, Attachments part G
      Coatsworth, D
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2011-12-1515 December 2011Worcester 391 hearing: Letter correspondence between Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission and Steve McCarthyWorcester 391 hearing: Letter correspondence between Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission and Steve McCarthy
    • McCarthy, Steve
    • Zarifeh, Mark
    • Buildings - Representative Sample
    • RFI and EOI
    • Worcester 389
    • Worcester 391
    2012-08-0606 August 2012CTV Building hearing: The Christchurch City Bylaw No. 105 (1985) CTV Building hearing: The Christchurch City Bylaw No. 105 (1985)
      Christchurch City Council
    • Central Business District (CBD)
    • Standards and Regulation
      Madras 249
    2012-08-1414 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of evidence of John O'LoughlinCTV Building hearing: Statement of evidence of John O'Loughlin
      O'Loughlin, John
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2012-02-2727 February 2012 Lichfield 43 hearing: Collection of documents from Christchurch City Council regarding 43 Lichfield Street Lichfield 43 hearing: Collection of documents from Christchurch City Council regarding 43 Lichfield Street
      Chas. S. Luney Ltd
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Lichfield 43
    2011-11-0909 November 2011Earthquake-prone building provisions of the Building Act 2004: Policy guidance for Territorial AuthoritiesEarthquake-prone building provisions of the Building Act 2004: Policy guidance for Territorial Authorities
      Department of Building and Housing
    • Standards and Regulation
    • Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
      2012-07-1010 July 2012CTV Building hearing: NZS 4203:1984  Code of practice for general structural design and design loadings for buildings, page 63.CTV Building hearing: NZS 4203:1984  Code of practice for general structural design and design loadings for buildings, page 63.
        Standards New Zealand
        Standards and Regulation
        Madras 249
      2012-03-1212 March 2012Lichfield 116 hearing: Documents in ChronologyLichfield 116 hearing: Documents in Chronology
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Lichfield 116
      2012-11-2323 November 2012CTV Building hearing: First statement of evidence of Professor Athol Carr, facilitator of the Non-linear Time-History Analysis PanelCTV Building hearing: First statement of evidence of Professor Athol Carr, facilitator of the Non-linear Time-History Analysis Panel
        Carr, Athol J
      • Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Engineering
        Madras 249
      2012-01-2525 January 2012Hereford 194 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Stephen James McCarthyHereford 194 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Stephen James McCarthy
      • Christchurch City Council
      • McCarthy, Steve
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Hereford 194
      2011-10-1818 October 2011Structural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard SpectraStructural Design Actions-Part 5 Earthquake Actions New Zealand from Standards New Zealand. Sec 2: Verification, Sec 3: Site Hazard Spectra
        Standards New Zealand
        Standards and Regulation
        2011-12-1414 December 2011Riccarton 7 hearing: Photographs before collapseRiccarton 7 hearing: Photographs before collapse
          Elliott, David
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Riccarton 7
        2012-07-0404 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of William David Coatsworth, Attachments part ECTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of William David Coatsworth, Attachments part E
          Coatsworth, D
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-02-1515 February 2012High 246 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Linda Joyce EdwardsHigh 246 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Linda Joyce Edwards
          Edwards, Linda Joyce
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          High 246
        2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Phillippa Robyn LeeCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Phillippa Robyn Lee
          Lee, Phillippa
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-07-1111 July 2012CTV Building hearing: CTV Building Collapse Investigation: Peer review by William T Holmes of the report prepared for the DBH by Dr Clark Hyland and Ashley SmithCTV Building hearing: CTV Building Collapse Investigation: Peer review by William T Holmes of the report prepared for the DBH by Dr Clark Hyland and Ashley Smith
        • Holmes, William T
        • Rutherford & Chekene
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Video stills of work in progress on the western wall of the building, February 2011CTV Building hearing: Video stills of work in progress on the western wall of the building, February 2011
          Canterbury Television
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249

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