Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-11-0808 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Email from Jo-Ann Vivian of Relationship Services to the Royal Commission dated 10 October 2011CTV Building hearing - Email from Jo-Ann Vivian of Relationship Services to the Royal Commission dated 10 October 2011
    Relationship Services
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-11-2626 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Certificate of Incorporation 493651 issued to Madras Equities LtdCTV Building hearing: Certificate of Incorporation 493651 issued to Madras Equities Ltd
    Registrar of Companies
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-07-1010 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Certificate of Title 31F/154 issued 14 October 1988 to Madras Street Properties LimitedCTV Building hearing: Certificate of Title 31F/154 issued 14 October 1988 to Madras Street Properties Limited
    Registrar-General of Land New Zealand
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-03-1515 March 2012Colombo 738 hearing: Annexures for Witness Statement of Luke James Rees-Thomas Colombo 738 hearing: Annexures for Witness Statement of Luke James Rees-Thomas
    Rees-Thomas, Luke
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 738
2012-03-1515 March 2012Colombo 738 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Luke James Rees-ThomasColombo 738 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Luke James Rees-Thomas
    Rees-Thomas, Luke
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 738
2012-03-1313 March 2012Presentation by Mark Batchelar, mlb Consulting Engineers, and John Reelick, TTT products, for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by Mark Batchelar, mlb Consulting Engineers, and John Reelick, TTT products, for the hearing on New Building Technologies
    Reelick, John
    New Building Technologies
    2012-03-1313 March 2012Biography of John Reelick, Director TTT Products Ltd/Unilog BuildingsBiography of John Reelick, Director TTT Products Ltd/Unilog Buildings
      Reelick, John
    • New Building Technologies
    • Profile
      2012-08-0101 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Timesheet for work at Alan Reay Consulting Ltd in 1986 CTV Building hearing: Timesheet for work at Alan Reay Consulting Ltd in 1986
        Reay, Alan
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-08-0101 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Third Statement of Evidence of Alan Michael ReayCTV Building hearing: Third Statement of Evidence of Alan Michael Reay
        Reay, Alan
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-07-3131 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Alan M. Reay Consulting Engineer commercial job list - November 1985 - December 1986CTV Building hearing: Alan M. Reay Consulting Engineer commercial job list - November 1985 - December 1986
        Reay, Alan
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-08-1515 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Amended composite Statement of Evidence of Alan Michael Reay - code complianceCTV Building hearing: Amended composite Statement of Evidence of Alan Michael Reay - code compliance
        Reay, Alan
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-08-0808 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Structural Specification document produced by Alan Reay ConsultantsCTV Building hearing: Structural Specification document produced by Alan Reay Consultants
        Reay, Alan
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-08-2121 August 2012CTV Building hearing: First Statement of Evidence of Alan Michael Reay CTV Building hearing: First Statement of Evidence of Alan Michael Reay
        Reay, Alan
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-08-0101 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Second Statement of Evidence of Alan Michael ReayCTV Building hearing: Second Statement of Evidence of Alan Michael Reay
        Reay, Alan
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-07-1313 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Combined statements of evidence of Dr Alan ReayCTV Building hearing: Combined statements of evidence of Dr Alan Reay
        Reay, Alan
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-08-0707 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Composite statement of evidence of Alan Reay - Permit issues CTV Building hearing: Composite statement of evidence of Alan Reay - Permit issues
        Reay, Alan
      • Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Engineering
        2012-08-1717 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Composite Statement of Evidence of Alan Reay - Holmes Report and Retrofit IssuesCTV Building hearing: Composite Statement of Evidence of Alan Reay - Holmes Report and Retrofit Issues
          Reay, Alan
        • Buildings - Representative Sample
        • Engineering
          Madras 249
        2012-08-0101 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Composite Statements of Evidence of Alan Michael Reay - Design IssuesCTV Building hearing: Composite Statements of Evidence of Alan Michael Reay - Design Issues
          Reay, Alan
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-11-2222 November 2012 CTV Building hearing - Madras 249 CTV Building - Letter dated 3 May 2011 from Alan Reay of Alan Reay Consultants Ltd to Clark Hyland of Hyland Fatigue and Earthquake Engineering CTV Building hearing - Madras 249 CTV Building - Letter dated 3 May 2011 from Alan Reay of Alan Reay Consultants Ltd to Clark Hyland of Hyland Fatigue and Earthquake Engineering
          Reay, Alan
          Buildings - Representative Sample
          Madras 249
        2012-11-2222 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Letter from Alan Reay to Clark Hyland dated 21 April 2011confirming information request.CTV Building hearing - Letter from Alan Reay to Clark Hyland dated 21 April 2011confirming information request.
          Reay, Alan
        • Buildings - Representative Sample
        • Geotechnical
        • Structural Performance
          Madras 249

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