Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-01-2626 January 2012Manchester 200-204 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Mark McKenzieManchester 200-204 hearing: Statement of Evidence of Mark McKenzie
    McKenzie, Mark
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Manchester 204
2012-03-1212 March 2012GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions - February Spectra and NZS1170 design levels - four Geonet sites closest to CBD: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions - February Spectra and NZS1170 design levels - four Geonet sites closest to CBD: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011
    McVerry, Graeme
    2012-03-1212 March 2012GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011 - Slide 15GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011 - Slide 15
      McVerry, Graeme
      2012-03-1212 March 2012GNS Science - Colombo Streets Estimation: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011GNS Science - Colombo Streets Estimation: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011
        McVerry, Graeme
        2012-03-1212 March 2012Implications for structural design motions - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011Implications for structural design motions - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011
          McVerry, Graeme
          2012-03-1212 March 2012GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011 - Slides 4 - 13GNS Science - Implications for structural design motions: Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011 - Slides 4 - 13
            McVerry, Graeme
            2012-11-2323 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Joint report of Elastic Response Spectra Analysis PanelCTV Building hearing: Joint report of Elastic Response Spectra Analysis Panel
              McVerry, Graeme
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-11-2323 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Joint report of Non-Linear Time History Analysis Panel, dated 16 July 2012CTV Building hearing - Joint report of Non-Linear Time History Analysis Panel, dated 16 July 2012
              McVerry, Graeme
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-03-0707 March 2012Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Submission of Counsel on behalf of Mr CvetanovSrecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Submission of Counsel on behalf of Mr Cvetanov
              MDS Law, Barristers and Solicitors
              Cvetanov Hearing
              Madras 249
            2012-03-0606 March 2012Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Letter from Vaughan Taylor of MDS Law to Royal Commission regarding written submission - Tamara Cvetanova Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Letter from Vaughan Taylor of MDS Law to Royal Commission regarding written submission - Tamara Cvetanova
              MDS Law, Barristers and Solicitors
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-03-0606 March 2012Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Further submissions of counsel on behalf of Srecko (Alec) CvetanovSrecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Further submissions of counsel on behalf of Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov
              MDS Law, Barristers and Solicitors
              Cvetanov Hearing
              Madras 249
            2012-03-0606 March 2012Srecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Letter from Vaughan Taylor of MDS Law to the Royal Commission enclosing further submission regarding Dr Tamara CvetanovaSrecko (Alec) Cvetanov hearing: Letter from Vaughan Taylor of MDS Law to the Royal Commission enclosing further submission regarding Dr Tamara Cvetanova
              MDS Law, Barristers and Solicitors
              Cvetanov Hearing
              Madras 249
            2011-10-1919 October 2011Modified Mercalli Intensity ScaleModified Mercalli Intensity Scale
              Mercalli, Giuseppe
              2012-07-0202 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Letter from the Royal Commission to John Drew requesting clarification of information previously provided to the Commission, March 2012CTV Building hearing: Letter from the Royal Commission to John Drew requesting clarification of information previously provided to the Commission, March 2012
                Mills, Stephen
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-11-2323 November 2012 CTV Building hearing: Letter from the Royal Commission to David Harding, dated 28 March 2012 CTV Building hearing: Letter from the Royal Commission to David Harding, dated 28 March 2012
                Mills, Stephen
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-11-2626 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Letter dated 1 February 2012 from the Royal Commission to Buddle FindlayCTV Building hearing: Letter dated 1 February 2012 from the Royal Commission to Buddle Findlay
                Mills, Stephen
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-11-2222 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Extract from: Mindess Young and Darwin: Concrete, Second EditionCTV Building hearing - Extract from: Mindess Young and Darwin: Concrete, Second Edition
                Mindess, Sidney
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-09-0404 September 2012Building Management after Earthquakes hearing: Presentation by Peter Woods, Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency ManagementBuilding Management after Earthquakes hearing: Presentation by Peter Woods, Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management
                Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management
                Building assessments after earthquakes
                2012-01-2626 January 2012Manchester 200-204 hearing: Statement of Evidence of John William MitchellManchester 200-204 hearing: Statement of Evidence of John William Mitchell
                  Mitchell, John
                  Buildings - Representative Sample
                • Manchester 200
                • Manchester 204
                2012-06-2525 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Kendyll MitchellCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Kendyll Mitchell
                  Mitchell, Kendyll
                  Buildings - Representative Sample
                  Madras 249

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