Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-02-2424 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Statement of Evidence of Paul Keenan TonkinForsyth Barr hearing: Statement of Evidence of Paul Keenan Tonkin
    Tonkin, Paul
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-02-2424 February 2012Forsyth Barr hearing: Interview with Richard Sharpe and Paul Tonkin, May 2011Forsyth Barr hearing: Interview with Richard Sharpe and Paul Tonkin, May 2011
    Tonkin, Paul
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 764
2012-06-2727 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of John Fletcher TrowsdaleCTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of John Fletcher Trowsdale
    Trowsdale, John
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2011-11-0808 November 2011Background on California Seismic Safety Commission: Presentation by Fred Turner, November 2011Background on California Seismic Safety Commission: Presentation by Fred Turner, November 2011
    Turner, Fred
    Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
    2012-06-2626 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Arthur Edward TyndallCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Arthur Edward Tyndall
      Tyndall, Arthur
      Buildings - Representative Sample
      Madras 249
    2012-03-0606 March 2012A Numerical Study of Seismic Behaviour of Timber Shear Walls with Slip-friction ConnectorsA Numerical Study of Seismic Behaviour of Timber Shear Walls with Slip-friction Connectors
      University of Auckland
      New Building Technologies
      2012-08-1717 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Report by Charles Clifton on the Analysis of the CTV Floor Diaphragm Adequacy prepared for Hyland Consultant Ltd CTV Building hearing: Report by Charles Clifton on the Analysis of the CTV Floor Diaphragm Adequacy prepared for Hyland Consultant Ltd
        University of Auckland
      • Buildings - Representative Sample
      • Engineering
        Madras 249
      2012-02-2727 February 2012Lichfield 43 hearing: Post February earthquake photographs Lichfield 43 hearing: Post February earthquake photographs
        University of Auckland
      • Building Failure
      • Buildings - Representative Sample
        Lichfield 43
      2011-10-2525 October 2011Foundations on Deep Alluvial Soils: Presentation by Misko Cubrinovski on 25 October 2011 (session 2) - pages 35-40Foundations on Deep Alluvial Soils: Presentation by Misko Cubrinovski on 25 October 2011 (session 2) - pages 35-40
        University of Canterbury
        2011-10-2525 October 2011Foundations on Deep Alluvial Soils - Presentation by Dr. Misko Cubrinovski on 25 October 2011 - Pages 1-35Foundations on Deep Alluvial Soils - Presentation by Dr. Misko Cubrinovski on 25 October 2011 - Pages 1-35
          University of Canterbury
          2011-10-2828 October 2011Foundations on Deep Alluvial Soils - Presentation by Misko Cubrinovksi on 25 October 2011 (Session 3) - pages 41-46Foundations on Deep Alluvial Soils - Presentation by Misko Cubrinovksi on 25 October 2011 (Session 3) - pages 41-46
            University of Canterbury
            2012-07-3131 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Programme and list of participants in the Geo-Mechanics In-situ Testing seminar held at the University of Canterbury, May 1982CTV Building hearing: Programme and list of participants in the Geo-Mechanics In-situ Testing seminar held at the University of Canterbury, May 1982
              University of Canterbury
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-07-3131 July 2012CTV Building hearing: List of participants at the Design of Ductile Seismic Moment-Resisting Reinforced Concrete Frames seminar held at the University of Canterbury, May 1979CTV Building hearing: List of participants at the Design of Ductile Seismic Moment-Resisting Reinforced Concrete Frames seminar held at the University of Canterbury, May 1979
              University of Canterbury
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-07-1212 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Programme for the seminar on Design of Concrete Structures held in July 1986 at the University of Canterbury CTV Building hearing: Programme for the seminar on Design of Concrete Structures held in July 1986 at the University of Canterbury
              University of Canterbury
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-07-3131 July 2012CTV Building hearing: University of Canterbury invoice for computer charges, June 1986CTV Building hearing: University of Canterbury invoice for computer charges, June 1986
              University of Canterbury
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-02-1515 February 2012Gloucester 194 hearing - Statement of Evidence of Rajendra Fakir UnkaGloucester 194 hearing - Statement of Evidence of Rajendra Fakir Unka
              Unka, Raj
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Gloucester 194
            2012-11-2323 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Photographs of spandrels at 58 Kilmore StreetCTV Building hearing - Photographs of spandrels at 58 Kilmore Street
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-08-1717 August 2012CTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of Christopher Richard UrmsonCTV Building hearing: Brief of Evidence of Christopher Richard Urmson
              Urmson, Christopher
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-07-0202 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Pieter Gerrit Van den BergCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Pieter Gerrit Van den Berg
              Van den Berg, Pieter
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249
            2012-06-2828 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Peter George Van der ZeeCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Peter George Van der Zee
              Van der Zee, Peter George
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Madras 249

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