Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-03-15-10- 46-3515 March 2012Colombo 738 hearing: Annexures for Witness Statement of Luke James Rees-Thomas Colombo 738 hearing: Annexures for Witness Statement of Luke James Rees-Thomas
  • Rees-Thomas, Luke
  • Various
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 738
2012-02-13-11- 28-5113 February 2012Colombo 595 hearing: Statement of Jessica KinderColombo 595 hearing: Statement of Jessica Kinder
    Kinder, Jessica
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Colombo 595
2012-03-06-11- 05-5106 March 2012Cambridge 233 PGC Building: Education Review Office collection of documents and photographs regarding staff concerns with the structural integrity of the buildingCambridge 233 PGC Building: Education Review Office collection of documents and photographs regarding staff concerns with the structural integrity of the building
  • Education Review Office
  • Stoop, Graham
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Cambridge 233
2012-02-15-13- 13-0415 February 2012Gloucester 194 hearing: Documentation provided by Christchurch City Council in response to the Royal Commission's request for informationGloucester 194 hearing: Documentation provided by Christchurch City Council in response to the Royal Commission's request for information
    Christchurch City Council
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Gloucester 194
2011-10-19-17- 45-2419 October 2011Aftershock information for Geonet website - Aftershock DefinitionAftershock information for Geonet website - Aftershock Definition
  • Gerstenberger, Matthew
  • GNS Science
    2011-11-07-15- 55-2707 November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 5: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011Performance of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings in the 2010/2011 Canterbury Earthquakes - Part 5: Presentation by Jason Ingham, University of Auckland, November 2011
      Ingham, Jason M
      Unreinforced Masonry Buildings (URM)
      2012-07-23-11- 58-2823 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Supplementary Statement of Evidence of Robin ShepherdCTV Building hearing: Supplementary Statement of Evidence of Robin Shepherd
        Shepherd, Robin
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Madras 249
      2012-02-27-12- 26-5427 February 2012Lichfield 43 hearing: Brief of evidence of Hannah Elizabeth Clarke Lichfield 43 hearing: Brief of evidence of Hannah Elizabeth Clarke
        Clarke, Hannah Elizabeth
        Buildings - Representative Sample
        Lichfield 43
      2012-03-12-13- 01-3912 March 2012Implications for structural design motions - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011Implications for structural design motions - Presentation to the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission, October 2011
      • GNS Science
      • McVerry, Graeme
        2012-03-12-13- 06-3512 March 2012Presentation by Nigel Priestley for the hearing on New Building TechnologiesPresentation by Nigel Priestley for the hearing on New Building Technologies
          Priestley, Nigel
          New Building Technologies
          2012-03-12-16- 41-5712 March 2012Biography of Grant WilkinsonBiography of Grant Wilkinson
            Wilkinson, Grant
          • New Building Technologies
          • Profile
            2012-02-13-16- 15-0013 February 2012Colombo 595A hearing: Letter response from Kevin Simcock, TM Consultants, to the Royal CommissionColombo 595A hearing: Letter response from Kevin Simcock, TM Consultants, to the Royal Commission
              Simcock, Kevin
              Buildings - Representative Sample
              Colombo 595A
            2012-03-13-16- 28-2713 March 2012New Technologies in Timber Buildings: Presentation by Professor Andy Buchanan from the University of Canterbury, March 2012New Technologies in Timber Buildings: Presentation by Professor Andy Buchanan from the University of Canterbury, March 2012
              Buchanan, Andrew H
              New Building Technologies
              2012-01-18-17- 55-4618 January 2012Hotel Grand Chancellor hearing: Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) producer statement - PS2 - design reviewHotel Grand Chancellor hearing: Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ) producer statement - PS2 - design review
                Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand (IPENZ)
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Cashel 161
              2011-12-12-15- 35-0912 December 2011Colombo 593 hearing: Documents pertaining to Simon Wall, Structural EngineerColombo 593 hearing: Documents pertaining to Simon Wall, Structural Engineer
                Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Colombo 593
              2012-07-02-16- 51-0902 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Email from Peter Higgins to John Drew regarding attached budget estimates for CTV House epoxy injection repairsCTV Building hearing: Email from Peter Higgins to John Drew regarding attached budget estimates for CTV House epoxy injection repairs
              • Drew, John Maxwell
              • Higgins, Peter
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-11-22-17- 06-1522 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Letter dated 24 February 2012 from Alan Reay to David Hopkins of DBH regarding the final reportCTV Building hearing - Letter dated 24 February 2012 from Alan Reay to David Hopkins of DBH regarding the final report
                Reay, Alan
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-07-25-12- 02-3925 July 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Timothy John Entrican SinclairCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of Timothy John Entrican Sinclair
                Sinclair, Tim
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-09-07-12- 22-0707 September 2012CTV Building hearing: Memorandum of Counsel for Christchurch City Council regarding the CTV BuildingCTV Building hearing: Memorandum of Counsel for Christchurch City Council regarding the CTV Building
              • Christchurch City Council
              • Daines, Nadine
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249
              2012-06-28-16- 18-4828 June 2012CTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of David Lindsay FlewellenCTV Building hearing: Statement of Evidence of David Lindsay Flewellen
                Flewellen, David
                Buildings - Representative Sample
                Madras 249

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