Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission – Te Komihana Rūwhenua o Waitaha

Those who lost relatives and friends in the 22 February earthquake can be assured that there will be a very thorough inquiry into the failure of buildings that resulted in loss of life.
Chair, Justice Mark Cooper

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2012-11-2626 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Third statement of evidence of Derek Bradley, with Compusoft ETABs report attachedCTV Building hearing: Third statement of evidence of Derek Bradley, with Compusoft ETABs report attached
    Bradley, Derek
  • Buildings - Representative Sample
  • Engineering
    Madras 249
2012-11-2626 November 2012 CTV Building hearing: CCANZ presentation to the Royal Commission by Rob Gaimster CTV Building hearing: CCANZ presentation to the Royal Commission by Rob Gaimster
    Gaimster, Robert
    Madras 249
2012-11-2727 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Appendix to Fourth brief of evidence of Clark Hyland CTV Building hearing: Appendix to Fourth brief of evidence of Clark Hyland
    Hyland, Clark
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-11-2727 November 2012CTV Building hearing - Near-source ground motions observed in the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake: Article by Brendon A. Bradley and Misko CubrinovskiCTV Building hearing - Near-source ground motions observed in the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake: Article by Brendon A. Bradley and Misko Cubrinovski
  • Bradley, Brendon
  • Cubrinovski, Misko
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-11-2727 November 2012CTV Building hearing: Fourth brief of evidence of Clark William Keith HylandCTV Building hearing: Fourth brief of evidence of Clark William Keith Hyland
    Hyland, Clark
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249
2012-12-0707 December 2012CTV Building hearing: Page 79 of CTV Building Site Examination and Materials Tests - Provisional Final report prepared for the Department of Building and Housing by Dr Clark HylandCTV Building hearing: Page 79 of CTV Building Site Examination and Materials Tests - Provisional Final report prepared for the Department of Building and Housing by Dr Clark Hyland
  • Hyland Consultants Ltd
  • Hyland, Clark
    Buildings - Representative Sample
    Madras 249

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